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Otolith microchemistry shows natal philopatry of walleye in western Lake Erie
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.06.006
Kuan-Yu Chen , Stuart A. Ludsin , Benjamin J. Marcek , John W. Olesik , Elizabeth A. Marschall

Abstract Natal philopatry is important to the structure of fish populations because it can lead to local adaptations among component stocks of a mixed population, reducing the risk of recruitment failure. By contrast, straying between component stocks may bolster declining populations or allow for colonization of new habitat. To examine rates of natal philopatry and straying among western Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus) stocks, we used the concentration of strontium [Sr] in otolith cores to determine the natal origin of adults captured at three major spawning sites: the Sandusky (n = 62) and Maumee (n = 55) rivers and the Ohio reef complex (n = 50) during the 2012–2013 spawning seasons. Mean otolith core [Sr] was consistently and significantly higher for individuals captured in the Sandusky River than for those captured in the Maumee River or Ohio reef complex. Although logistic regression indicates that no individuals with a Maumee River or Ohio reef complex origin were captured in the Sandusky River, quadratic discriminant analysis suggests low rates of straying of fish between the Maumee and Sandusky rivers. Our results suggest little straying and high rates of natal philopatry in the Sandusky River walleye stock. Similar rates of natal philopatry may also exist across western Lake Erie walleye stocks, demonstrating a need for stock-specific management.



摘要 Natal philopatry 对鱼类种群结构很重要,因为它可以导致混合种群的组成种群之间的局部适应性,降低招募失败的风险。相比之下,在成分种群之间徘徊可能会支持不断减少的种群或允许新栖息地的殖民化。为了检查伊利湖西部角膜白斑(Sander vitreus)种群的出生率和流浪率,我们使用耳石核心中锶 [Sr] 的浓度来确定在三个主要产卵地点捕获的成虫的出生起源:桑达斯基(n = 62) 和 Maumee (n = 55) 河流以及 2012-2013 产卵季节的俄亥俄州礁石群 (n = 50)。在 Sandusky 河中捕获的个体的平均耳石核心 [Sr] 始终且显着高于在 Maumee 河或俄亥俄州珊瑚礁群中捕获的个体。尽管逻辑回归表明在桑达斯基河中没有捕获到具有毛米河或俄亥俄州珊瑚礁复合体起源的个体,但二次判别分析表明,在毛米河和桑达斯基河之间的鱼类流浪率较低。我们的结果表明,桑达斯基河角膜白斑种群的出生率很低,而且出生率很高。西部伊利湖角膜白斑种群中也可能存在类似的生育率,这表明需要对种群进行特定管理。二次判别分析表明,在 Maumee 和 Sandusky 河之间的鱼类流浪率较低。我们的结果表明,桑达斯基河角膜白斑种群的出生率很低,而且出生率很高。西部伊利湖角膜白斑种群中也可能存在类似的生育率,这表明需要对种群进行特定管理。二次判别分析表明,在 Maumee 和 Sandusky 河之间的鱼类流浪率较低。我们的研究结果表明,桑达斯基河角膜白斑种群的出生率极低,且出生率高。西部伊利湖角膜白斑种群中也可能存在类似的生育率,这表明需要对种群进行特定管理。