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Evidence for freshwater residency among Lake Ontario Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawning in New York
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.05.009
Eric J. Guiry , Thomas C.A. Royle , Trevor J. Orchard , Suzanne Needs-Howarth , Dongya Y. Yang , Paul Szpak

Abstract Prior to their extirpation around 1900 CE, Lake Ontario hosted the world’s largest freshwater Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fishery. Due to their early disappearance, questions remained about fundamental aspects of the species’ biology, such as whether they belonged to sea-run (anadromous) or freshwater resident (potamodromous) ecotypes. Recent isotopic analyses have demonstrated that the complex of Atlantic salmon populations spawning in tributaries emptying along Lake Ontario’s northern shores were potamodromous. However, no evidence has yet been gathered for Atlantic salmon migratory behaviour from Lake Ontario’s southeastern region, where historical observations suggest both anadromous and potamodromous populations may have spawned. Here, we provide the first results for isotopic analyses of bone collagen from seven fish bones from archaeological sites (c. 1427 to 1600 CE) identified as Atlantic salmon through ancient DNA and zooarchaeological analyses. The results of the isotopic analyses confirm that at least some of the salmon spawning in tributaries emptying into Lake Ontario’s southeastern shores were also potamodromous. Although further analyses are needed, this suggests anadromy may have been completely absent in Lake Ontario’s complex of Atlantic salmon populations in recent centuries.


纽约安大略湖大西洋鲑鱼(Salmo salar)产卵的淡水栖息地的证据

摘要 在公元 1900 年左右灭绝之前,安大略湖拥有世界上最大的淡水大西洋鲑鱼 (Salmo salar) 渔业。由于它们的早期消失,关于该物种生物学的基本方面的问题仍然存在,例如它们是否属于海洋(溯河)或淡水居民(河岸)生态型。最近的同位素分析表明,在沿着安大略湖北岸排空的支流中产卵的大西洋鲑鱼种群的复杂性是potamodromous。然而,尚未收集到安大略湖东南部地区大西洋鲑鱼洄游行为的证据,历史观察表明,溯河和马蹄鲛种群可能已经产卵。这里,我们提供了对来自考古遗址(约公元 1427 年至公元 1600 年)的七条鱼骨的骨胶原的同位素分析结果,这些鱼骨通过古代 DNA 和动物考古分析被确定为大西洋鲑鱼。同位素分析的结果证实,在流入安大略湖东南岸的支流中产卵的鲑鱼中至少有一些也是鲑鱼。尽管需要进一步分析,但这表明近几个世纪以来安大略湖大西洋鲑鱼种群的复杂性可能完全不存在。同位素分析的结果证实,在流入安大略湖东南岸的支流中产卵的鲑鱼中至少有一些也是鲑鱼。尽管需要进一步分析,但这表明近几个世纪以来安大略湖大西洋鲑鱼种群的复杂性可能完全不存在。同位素分析的结果证实,在流入安大略湖东南岸的支流中产卵的鲑鱼中至少有一些也是鲑鱼。尽管需要进一步分析,但这表明近几个世纪以来安大略湖大西洋鲑鱼种群的复杂性可能完全不存在。