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Design and implementation of a regional inpatient psychiatry unit for asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive patients.
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psym.2020.06.018
Andrew F Angelino 1 , Constantine G Lyketsos 2 , M Shafeeq Ahmed 3 , James B Potash 1 , Bernadette A Cullen 1

Background Patients with psychiatric illnesses are particularly vulnerable to highly contagious, droplet-spread organisms such as SARS-CoV-2. Patients with mental illnesses may not be able to consistently follow up behavioral prescriptions to avoid contagion, and they are frequently found in settings with close contact and inadequate infection control, such as group homes, homeless shelters, residential rehabilitation centers, and correctional facilities. Furthermore, inpatient psychiatry settings are generally designed as communal spaces, with heavy emphasis on group and milieu therapies. As such, inpatient psychiatry services are vulnerable to rampant spread of contagion. Objective With this in mind, the authors outline the decision process and ultimate design and implementation of a regional inpatient psychiatry unit for patients infected with asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 and share key points for consideration in implementing future units elsewhere. Conclusion A major takeaway point of the analysis is the particular expertise of trained experts in psychosomatic medicine for treating patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.


为无症状 SARS-CoV-2 阳性患者设计和实施区域住院精神病学单元。

背景 患有精神疾病的患者特别容易受到高度传染性的飞沫传播生物,例如 SARS-CoV-2。精神疾病患者可能无法始终如一地遵循行为处方以避免传染,他们经常出现在密切接触和感染控制不足的环境中,例如集体之家、无家可归者收容所、住宅康复中心和惩教设施。此外,住院精神病学环境通常被设计为公共空间,非常强调团体和环境疗法。因此,住院精神病学服务很容易受到传染病蔓延的影响。目标 考虑到这一点,作者概述了为感染无症状 SARS-CoV-2 的患者建立区域住院精神病学单元的决策过程和最终设计和实施,并分享了在其他地方实施未来单元的考虑要点。结论 分析的一个主要要点是训练有素的心身医学专家在治疗 SARS-CoV-2 感染患者方面的特殊专业知识。