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Enhanced Koszul properties in Galois cohomology
Research in the Mathematical Sciences ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s40687-020-00208-5
Ján Mináč , Marina Palaisti , Federico W. Pasini , Nguyễn Duy Tân

We prove that Galois cohomology satisfies several surprisingly strong versions of Koszul properties, under a well known conjecture, in the finitely generated case. In fact, these versions of Koszulity hold for all finitely generated maximal pro-p quotients of absolute Galois groups which are currently understood. We point out several of these unconditional results which follow from our work. We show how these enhanced versions are preserved under certain natural operations on algebras, generalising several results that were previously established only in the commutative case. The subject matter in this paper contains topics which are used in various branches of algebra and computer science.


