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Investigation of interaction between biogenic selenium nanoparticles and human serum albumin using microwave plasma optical emission spectrometry operating in a single-particle mode
Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00706-020-02663-w
Magdalena Borowska , Ewelina Pawlik , Krzysztof Jankowski


Characterization of selenium nanoparticles and selenium nanoparticle–human serum albumin conjugates prepared in nanopowder form, their elemental composition, and particle size distribution were investigated with a microwave plasma optical emission spectrometry operating in a single-particle mode. This new analytical technique was used for the first time to examine the molecular interaction between selenium nanoparticles and human serum albumin regarding potential biomedical applications of selenium nanoparticles. Nanopowder sample was introduced to a helium plasma by pneumatic nebulization based on fluidized bed approach and measured with a time resolution of 20 ms. Both selenium nanoparticles and selenium nanoparticle–human serum albumin conjugates were characterized by observation of synchronous signals from different particle components. Plots of the time correlation between Se and C signals for all particles in selenium nanoparticles and selenium nanoparticle–human serum albumin conjugates samples differed from each other in degree of correlation and synchronicity of recorded signals. The interaction between selenium nanoparticles and human serum albumin was confirmed using Bradford assay. For selenium nanoparticles synthesized using yeast cells, the percentage of bound protein was only of 4%, whereas for selenium nanoparticles synthesized using yeast extract as a stabilizing agent it was 16%.

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