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Moving Towards Sustainable Germanium Sourcing Evaluated by Means of Life Cycle Assessment
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40831-020-00277-4
Gert Van Hoof , Maarten Schurmans , Bénédicte Robertz , Jean-François Ménard , Kristof Dessein


A 2015 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study on germanium included the sourcing from fly ashes from coal combustion and its recycling from photovoltaic production scrap. Germanium is also produced as a byproduct from zinc production, typically present at levels above 75 ppm in zinc ores, and this is the second globally most important primary source for germanium. This life cycle assessment study evaluates primary germanium from three zinc ore production systems. In total 15 life cycle indicators were calculated and economic allocation applying a 25% cut-off value is used as the baseline scenario. This allocation scenario is selected as it best fits the economic reality of germanium as byproduct from zinc production. A representative mix of the three germanium production systems as byproduct from zinc is created. Its global warming value is 852 kg CO2-eq/kg germanium crystals. This value is in the mid to lower range from other germanium sources, i.e., 5771 kg CO2-eq/kg germanium crystals for germanium sourced from coal and 280 kg CO2-eq/kg germanium crystals for germanium sourced from recycling. Mineral and fossil non-renewable resources depletion might be seen as a relevant indicator for germanium, given it is on the US and EU list of critical materials. However, resource depletion results differ by 6 orders of magnitude for different depletion indicator methods. All LCAs on germanium were critically reviewed per ISO standard 14040/44 and the reviewers concluded that results from the studies can be compared.

Graphical Abstract




2015年生命周期评估(LCA)对锗的研究包括从煤燃烧产生的飞灰中采购以及从光伏生产废料中回收。锗也是锌生产的副产品,通常在锌矿石中的含量超过75 ppm,这是锗在全球范围内第二重要的主要来源。这项生命周期评估研究评估了三种锌矿生产系统中的初级锗。总共计算了15个生命周期指标,并将采用25%的临界值的经济分配作为基线方案。选择这种分配方案是因为它最适合作为锌生产副产品的锗的经济现实。创建了作为锗副产品的三种锗生产系统的代表性混合物。其全球变暖价值为852千克二氧化碳2 eq / kg锗晶体。该值在其他锗来源的中低范围内,例如,煤制锗的锗晶体为5771千克CO 2当量/千克,回收利用锗的锗晶体为280千克CO 2当量/千克。矿物和化石不可再生资源的枯竭可能被视为锗的相关指标,因为它已列入美国和欧盟的关键材料清单。但是,对于不同的耗竭指标方法,资源耗竭结果相差6个数量级。根据ISO标准14040/44对所有锗的LCA进行了严格审查,审查者得出结论,可以比较研究结果。

