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Rehabilitation method affects behavior, welfare, and adaptation potential for subsequent release of orphaned white rhinoceros
Acta Ethologica ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10211-020-00343-w
María C. Fàbregas , Geoffrey T. Fosgate , André Ganswindt , Henk Bertschinger , Markus Hofmeyr , Leith C. R. Meyer

Poaching is the primary threat to the survival of rhinoceros’ populations. One frequent consequence of poaching is the creation of orphan calves. If found, orphans are taken into captivity for rehabilitation and subsequent release. However, rehabilitation practices can influence their behavior and welfare, potentially compromising their post-release adaptation and survival. In this study, the effects of hands-off and hands-on rehabilitation methods on the behavior, welfare, and adaptation potential of orphaned white rhinoceros (Certatotherium simum simum) were compared. To achieve these aims, 12 behavioral, one physiological, and four physical indicators of welfare and adaptation potential were measured non-invasively on 25 orphaned rhino at two rehabilitation facilities in South Africa. Results indicated that although orphan welfare was not compromised under either rehabilitation method, the hands-off cohort showed fewer indicators of poor welfare and more indicators of good welfare. Regarding adaptation potential, hands-off rehabilitated rhino showed the species’ natural response to humans, and alert and defense behaviors were part of their behavioral repertoire. The hands-on cohort displayed fewer social interactions than the hands-off cohort, showed habituation to humans, and seldom expressed alert or defense behaviors, which could potentially compromise their survival and social integration after release. Post-release studies are required to confirm whether fitness is compromised in hands-on rehabilitated rhino. Until then, we suggest to minimize anthropogenic exposure during rehabilitation in order to maximize welfare and retain crucial behaviors for post-release adaptation and survival.



偷猎是犀牛种群生存的主要威胁。偷猎的一个常见后果是孤儿犊的产生。如果发现孤儿,他们将被囚禁以进行康复和随后的释放。但是,康复实践可能会影响其行为和福利,并有可能损害其释放后的适应能力和生存能力。在这项研究中,放手和动手康复方法对孤白犀牛(Certatotherium simum simum)的行为,福利和适应潜力的影响)进行比较。为了实现这些目标,在南非的两个康复机构对25头孤立的犀牛进行了非侵入式的福利和适应潜力的12项行为,一项生理和四个物理指标的测量。结果表明,尽管这两种康复方法均未损害孤儿福利,但放手队列显示的福利差指标较少,而良好福利指标较多。关于适应潜力,动手修复过的犀牛显示了该物种对人类的自然反应,机敏和防御行为是其行为准则的一部分。动手组比交手组显示更少的社交互动,表现出对人类的习惯,并且很少表现出警惕或防御行为,释放后可能会危及他们的生存和社会融合。需要进行释放后研究,以确认动手修复的犀牛的健康状况是否受到损害。在此之前,我们建议在康复过程中尽量减少人为暴露,以最大程度地提高福利并保留释放后适应和生存的关键行为。