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Large-spored Drechslera gigantea is a Bipolaris species causing disease on the invasive grass Microstegium vimineum
Mycologia ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1781495
Brett Lane 1 , Kerry Bohl Stricker 2 , Ashish Adhikari 1 , Marina S Ascunce 1, 3 , Keith Clay 4 , S Luke Flory 2 , Matthew E Smith 1 , Erica M Goss 1, 3 , Philip F Harmon 1

ABSTRACT Environmentally damaging invasive plants can also serve as reservoir hosts for agricultural pathogens. Microstegium vimineum is an invasive C4 annual grass that is present throughout the midwestern and eastern United States. It can reach high densities in disturbed areas such as crop-forest interfaces, which creates the potential for pathogen spillover from M. vimineum to agricultural crops and native plants. A previous study that surveyed disease on M. vimineum found a large-spored Bipolaris species that was widespread on M. vimineum and also isolated from co-occurring native grasses. Here, we report that the large-spored fungus isolated from M. vimineum and the native grass Elymus virginicus is Drechslera gigantea, based on comparison with published descriptions of morphological traits, and establish that D. gigantea is a pathogen of M. vimineum and E. virginicus. We review the phylogenetic placement and taxonomic history of D. gigantea and propose that it be reassigned to the genus Bipolaris as Bipolaris gigantea.


大孢子 Drechslera gigantea 是 Bipolaris 物种,在入侵草 Microstegium v​​imineum 上引起疾病

摘要 破坏环境的入侵植物也可以作为农业病原体的宿主。Microstegium v​​imineum 是一种侵入性 C4 一年生草,遍布美国中西部和东部。它可以在受干扰的区域(例如作物-森林界面)达到高密度,这为病原体从 M. vimineum 溢出到农作物和本地植物创造了可能性。之前的一项调查 M. vimineum 疾病的研究发现了一种大孢子 Bipolaris 物种,它在 M. vimineum 上广泛分布,并且也从共生的本地草中分离出来。在这里,我们报告从 M. vimineum 和原生草 Elymus virginicus 中分离出的大孢子真菌是 Drechslera gigantea,基于与已发表的形态特征描述的比较,并确定 D. gigantea 是 M. vimineum 的病原体。vimineum 和 E. virginicus。我们回顾了 D. gigantea 的系统发育位置和分类学历史,并建议将其重新分配给 Bipolaris 属作为 Bipolaris gigantea。