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SIOMMS: Evolution and development
Mechanism and Machine Theory ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.104029
E Krylov 1 , O Egorova 2 , A Gubert 1 , S Devyaterikov 1

Abstract Promotion of Machine and Mechanism Science (MMS) among young people worldwide is one of the missions of IFToMM. Conducting Student International Olympiads on MMS (SIOMMS) fully meets this mission and is considered as an essential tool for attracting talented youth to MMS as a science. The history of SIOMMS is approaching ten years. It is the right time to analyze the experience with such events. The article summarizes the experience of the first four SIOMMS, in terms of both organization and content. The topics that were included in the contest problems are described in detail. It is indicated which of the essential MMS topics were offered at each Olympiad. The article provides the texts of eight contest problems from the first Olympiad. Generalizations, conclusions, and recommendations are made regarding the procedure for conducting the Olympiads and preparing for them, which will be useful for future participants.



摘要 在全球青年中推广机械与机械科学(MMS)是 IFToMM 的使命之一。在 MMS 上举办学生国际奥林匹克竞赛 (SIOMMS) 完全符合这一使命,被认为是吸引有才华的青年参加 MMS 作为一门科学的重要工具。SIOMMS 的历史已接近十年。现在是分析此类事件的经验的合适时机。文章从组织和内容两个方面总结了前四个SIOMMS的经验。详细描述了比赛问题中包含的主题。每届奥林匹克竞赛都提供了哪些基本的彩信主题。文章提供了第一届奥林匹克竞赛的八个竞赛题的文本。概括、结论、