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New high precision measurements of the cosmic charged particle rate beyond the Arctic Circle with the PolarquEEEst experiment
The European Physical Journal C ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-24 , DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8213-2
M. Abbrescia , C. Avanzini , M. Arlandoo , G. Balbi , L. Baldini , R. Baldini Ferroli , G. Batignani , M. Battaglieri , S. Boi , D. Cavazza , E. Bossini , F. Carnesecchi , C. Cicalò , L. Cifarelli , F. Coccetti , E. Coccia , A. Corvaglia , D. De Gruttola , S. De Pasquale , F. Fabbri , D. Falchieri , A. Flammini , L. Galante , M. Garbini , G. Gemme , I. Gnesi , E. Gramstad , S. Grazzi , E. S. Håland , D. Hatzifotiadou , P. La Rocca , Z. Liu , L. Lombardo , G. Mandaglio , A. Margotti , G. Maron , M. N. Mazziotta , S. Meneghini , S. A. Millerjord , A. Mulliri , R. Nania , F. Noferini , F. Nozzoli , F. Ould-Saada , F. Palmonari , M. Panareo , M. P. Panetta , R. Paoletti , M. Parvis , C. Pellegrino , L. Perasso , O. Pinazza , C. Pinto , S. Pisano , F. Riggi , G. Righini , C. Ripoli , M. Rizzi , G. Sartorelli , E. Scapparone , M. Schioppa , G. Scioli , A. Scribano , M. Selvi , G. Serri , S. Squarcia , M. Taiuti , G. Terreni , G. Torromeo , R. Travaglini , A. Trifirò , M. Trimarchi , C. Veri , C. Vistoli , L. Votano , M. C. S. Williams , A. Zichichi , R. Zuyeuski

The goal of the PolarquEEEst experiment was to measure the cosmic charged particle rate at latitudes greater than 66\(^{\circ }\) N, where no systematic and accurate measurements at sea level have ever been performed. A latitude range well above the Arctic Circle was explored on board of a sailboat, up to the unprecedented northernmost value of \(82^{\circ }07^{\prime }\) N. In this paper a description of the experimental set-up is reported, then the procedures for calibration and data analysis are described in detail. The results show that the rate measured in this latitude range stays constant within a novel accuracy of \(\pm 1\)%.



所述PolarquEEEst实验的目的是测量在纬度宇宙带电粒子率超过66更大\(^ {\ CIRC} \) N,其中在海平面没有系统和精确的测量曾经被执行。在帆船上探索了一个位于北极圈上方的纬度范围,最高达到了\(82 ^ {\ circ} 07 ^ {\ prime} \) N的最北端的值。在本文中,对实验集进行了描述报告升级,然后详细描述校准和数据分析的过程。结果表明,在此纬度范围内测得的速率在\(\ pm 1 \)%的新精度内保持恒定。