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On Alluaudinella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Muscidae) with the revision of the type specimens deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (Berlin, Germany) and the description of a new species
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1080/01650521.2020.1783483
Márcia S. Couri 1 , Viviane Rodrigues de Sousa 1


Alluaudinella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Muscidae) is a small genus with only six known species restricted to the Afrotropical region. Alluaudinella bivittata Macquart, Alluaudinella evanescens Stein, Alluaudinella flavicornis Macquart, Alluaudinella lativentris Stein, Alluaudinella pha siaeformis Stein, and Alluaudinella stuckenbergi Paterson. They are moderate to robust flies and they can be mainly distinguished by the color patterns of the scutum. Type-material of Alluaudinella bivittata, Alluaudinella evanescens, Alluaudinella lativentris, and Alluaudinella phasiaeformis were examined, during a scientific visit of MSC to the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (Germany), where the types are deposited. Diagnosis for all species, colored illustrations, male and female dissections and illustrations of Alluaudinella evanescens and the description of a new species are given.



关于 Alluaudinella Giglio-Tos(双翅目,蝇科),修改了存放在柏林自然博物馆(德国柏林)的模式标本和一个新物种的描述


Alluaudinella Giglio-Tos(双翅目,蝇科)是一个小属,只有六个已知物种仅限于非洲热带地区。Alluaudinella bivittata Macquart、Alluaudinella evanescens Stein、Alluaudinella flavicornis Macquart、Alluaudinella laativentris Stein、Alluaudinella pha siaeformis Stein和 Alluaudinella standenbergi Paterson。它们是中等至强壮的苍蝇,主要通过盾板的颜色图案来区分。Alluaudinella bivittata、Alluaudinella evanescens、Alluaudinella laativentrisAlluaudinella phasiaeformis 的类型材料在 MSC 对存放这些类型的柏林(德国)自然博物馆进行科学访问期间进行了检查。给出了所有物种的诊断、彩色插图、雄性和雌性解剖以及Alluaudinella evanescens 的插图以及新物种的描述。

