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Video-reflexive ethnography as potentiation technology: What about investigative quality?
Qualitative Research in Psychology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/14780887.2020.1794087
Rick Iedema 1


This article has three aims. First, it will set out the ‘potentiating’ premises of video-reflexive ethnography (VRE) and the ways in which VRE potentiates learning through visual feedback as ‘self-irritant’ that invites ‘liminalisation’. Liminalisation invites people to learn by stepping away from their taken-as-given ways of being and saying. Potentiation capitalises on this loosening of identification with what is assumed to be the real, thereby expanding people’s action potential. The article’s second aim is to exemplify what VRE looks like in and as practice. Two case studies provide instances of liminalisation. This leads into the article’s third aim: to reflect on research quality in relation to liminalisation and potentiation. This part of the paper explains that VRE’s quality standard turns on two ‘relational’ indicators that apply to both the researchers’ and the participants’ conducts and experiences: engagement and movement. The article theorises engagement as a measure of researchers’ and participants’ investment in the overall VRE process. Movement is theorised as the pace and degree of liminalisation experienced and potentiation achieved through people’s psychosocial becoming (undone).




这篇文章有三个目的。首先,它将阐述视频反射民族志 (VRE) 的“强化”前提,以及 VRE 通过视觉反馈强化学习的方式,将其视为“自我刺激”,从而引发“阈限化”。阈限化邀请人们通过远离他们既定的存在方式和说话方式来学习。Potentiation 利用这种对被假定为真实事物的认同的放松,从而扩大了人们的行动潜力。本文的第二个目的是举例说明 VRE 在实践中的样子。两个案例研究提供了限制化的实例。这引出了本文的第三个目标:反思与限制和增强相关的研究质量。以及参与者的行为和体验:参与和运动。本文将参与度作为衡量研究人员和参与者在整个 VRE 过程中的投资的理论。运动被理论化为通过人们的社会心理形成(撤销)所经历的极限化的速度和程度以及实现的增强。
