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Response to "Letter to the editor: Labral calcification plays a key role in hip pain and symptoms in femoroacetabular impingement".
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1186/s13018-020-01799-z
Giovanni Trisolino 1 , Marta Favero 2 , Dante Dallari 3 , Enrico Tassinari 4 , Francesco Traina 4 , Miguel Otero 5 , Steven R Goldring 5 , Mary B Goldring 5 , Chiara Carubbi 3 , Roberta Ramonda 2 , Stefano Stilli 1 , Brunella Grigolo 6 , Eleonora Olivotto 6

Dear Editor,

We are writing in reply to Dr. Zhong’s comments regarding our recent publication [1]. While we appreciate the discussion and feedback, we are also concerned that some of these comments are somewhat vague and may be misleading. Our specific replies to Dr. Zhong’s comments are appended below.

We thank Drs. Zhong and Ouyang for reading our work and for the discussion. We enclosed a point-by-point response to their questions.

Firstly, we acknowledge that the lack of samples of healthy controls is an important limitation to our paper. Unfortunately, the Italian law and the IOR ethical committee do not allow for tissue sampling from donors for research purposes. So, we can obtain fresh samples from donors only in case they were not used during the operation after assignment. The same limitation was mentioned in a previous paper from our group, concerning fresh menisci from donors [2]. Concerning the present study, this issue is further complicated by the fact that samples of labrum from donors should be matched by age and sex with samples from patients with FAI. In our opinion, age-matching is a critical aspect since we believe that comparing labrum from young FAI patients with “healthy” aged donors could be misleading.

We should point that the FAI patients enrolled in our study had a mean age of 33 years as opposed to 62 years in the work mentioned by Drs. Zhong and Ouyang [3]. These significant differences in age should be considered when trying to compare “healthy” and “FAI” labral tissues. The “physiological process” hypothesized by the commenters could be due to aging, so it should not be present in young adults. More importantly, as clearly stated in the abstract and throughout the manuscript, our work focused on the association between labrum and synovium (and other joint tissues) in patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and the impact of these changes on surgical outcomes. Therefore, comparisons with healthy tissues were out of the scope of this study. Nonetheless, our research is ongoing (we have had just some delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic); these aspects will be presented in an upcoming article.

Concerning the second comment, Dr. Zhong’s speculation is biased by the erroneous assumption that FAI (and consequently the labral tear) is limited to the anterosuperior region. We have extensively explained in the manuscript that we collected 6 cases with isolated CAM deformity, 3 cases with isolated Pincer, and 12 mixed cases. We found that labral damage was not always and not only limited to the anterior-superior region but sometimes involved the entire labrum. However, the specimens were taken by debrided labral tissues from the most damaged labral zone. We could not collect multiple random samples from apparently “healthy” zones of labrum because it was unfeasible from an ethical point of view. Therefore, we cannot assure that the histopathological features of the specimen correspond with the characteristics of the entire labrum.

Hubert et al. [4] stained all samples with von Kossa to confirm “calcium-phosphate deposition,” and alizarin red is well-established alternative to stain “calcium-phosphate deposition” in joint tissues. We agree that the detection of BCP crystals is particularly difficult, and to distinguish BCP and CPPD, we require additional measurements, like polarized or transmission electron microscopy [5, 6]. Our ongoing studies (in collaboration with Dr. Oliviero [7]) aim to further characterize the nature of calcium deposits in FAI and OA patients, in line with Dr. Favero’s (co-author in this study) expertise and research interest. We hope to report these findings soon.

Previous study stated that the amount of calcification in the labrum instead of histological degeneration grade had significant influence on the preoperative Harris Hip Score (HHS) in patients with end-stage OA [3, 4]. Therefore, how much amount of calcium crystal deposition in the labrum produce adverse effect on hip function in patients with FAI needs further study.

This is already mentioned in the Discussion “higher local concentration of calcium crystal deposition in the labrum could lead to increased release of nociceptor stimulating substances within the fibrocartilage tissue, which densely innervated” along with pertinent references. Unfortunately, the study is not powered to establish a statistically significant threshold of calcium crystals deposition in the labrum.


Giovanni Trisolino,

Marta Favero,

Enrico Tassinari,

Eleonora Olivotto

  1. 1.

    Trisolino G, Favero M, Dallari D, Tassinari E, Traina F, Otero M, et al. Labral calcification plays a key role in hip pain and symptoms in femoroacetabular impingement. J OrthopSurg Res. 2020;15(1):86.

    Google Scholar

  2. 2.

    Battistelli M, Favero M, Burini D, Trisolino G, Dallari D, De Franceschi L, et al. Morphological and ultrastructural analysis of normal, injured and osteoarthritic human knee menisci. Eur J Histochem. 2019;63(1):2998.

    Article Google Scholar

  3. 3.

    Hawellek T, Hubert J, Hischke S, Krause M, Bertrand J, Schmidt BC, et al. Calcification of the acetabular labrum of the hip: prevalence in the general population and relation to hip articular cartilage and fibrocartilage degeneration. Arthritis ResTher. 2018;20(1):104.

    Article Google Scholar

  4. 4.

    Hubert J, Hawellek T, Moe M, Hischke S, Krause M, Rolvien T, et al. Labral calcification in end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip correlates with pain and clinical function. J Orthop Res. 2018;36(4):1248–55.

    PubMed Google Scholar

  5. 5.

    Yavorskyy A, Hernandez-Santana A, McCarthy G, McMahon G. Detection of calcium phosphate crystals in the joint fluid of patients with osteoarthritis – analytical approaches and challenges. Analyst. 2008;133:302–18.

    Article Google Scholar

  6. 6.

    Frallonardo P, Oliviero F, Peruzzo L, Tauro L, Scanu A, Galozzi P, et al.. Detection of calcium crystals in knee osteoarthritis synovial fluid: a comparison between polarized light and scanning electron microscopy. J of Clin Rheumatol 2018 October 2016 - Volume 22 - Issue 7 - p 369-371.

  7. 7.

    Oliviero F, Galozzi P, Ramonda R, LeitedeOliveiraF, Schiavon F, Scanu A et al. Unusual findings in synovial fluid analysis: a review. Ann Clin Lab Sci. May-June 2017;47(3):253-259).

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  1. Pediatric Orthopedic and Traumatology, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, via G.C.Pupilli 1, 40136, Bologna, Italy

    Giovanni Trisolino & Stefano Stilli

  2. Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine (DIMED), University Hospital of Padova, Via Giustiniani 2, 35128, Padua, Italy

    Marta Favero & Roberta Ramonda

  3. Reconstructive Orthopaedic Surgery Innovative Techniques - Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank; Revision surgery of hip prosthesis and development of new implants, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, via G.C.Pupilli 1, 40136, Bologna, Italy

    Dante Dallari & Chiara Carubbi

  4. Orthopaedic-Traumatology and Prosthetic surgery and revisions of hip and knee implants, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, via G.C.Pupilli 1, 40136, Bologna, Italy

    Enrico Tassinari & Francesco Traina

  5. HSS Research Institute, Hospital for Special Surgery, 535 E 70th St, New York, NY, 10021, USA

    Miguel Otero, Steven R. Goldring & Mary B. Goldring

  6. RAMSES Laboratory, RIT Department, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, via di Barbiano 1/10, 40136, Bologna, Italy

    Brunella Grigolo & Eleonora Olivotto

  7. Laboratory of Immunorheumatology and Tissue Regeneration, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, via di Barbiano 1/10, 40136, Bologna, Italy

    Eleonora Olivotto

  1. Giovanni TrisolinoView author publications

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  2. Marta FaveroView author publications

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  3. Dante DallariView author publications

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  4. Enrico TassinariView author publications

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  5. Francesco TrainaView author publications

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  6. Miguel OteroView author publications

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  7. Steven R. GoldringView author publications

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  8. Mary B. GoldringView author publications

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  9. Chiara CarubbiView author publications

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  10. Roberta RamondaView author publications

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  11. Stefano StilliView author publications

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  12. Brunella GrigoloView author publications

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  13. Eleonora OlivottoView author publications

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EO, GT, MF: concept, writing, and revising. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript

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Correspondence to Marta Favero.

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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Trisolino, G., Favero, M., Dallari, D. et al. Response to “Letter to the editor: Labral calcification plays a key role in hip pain and symptoms in femoroacetabular impingement”. J Orthop Surg Res 15, 274 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-020-01799-z

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-020-01799-z







我们应该指出,参加本研究的FAI患者的平均年龄为33岁,而Drs提到的工作为62岁。钟和欧阳[3]。在尝试比较“健康”和“ FAI”的唇部组织时,应考虑年龄上的这些显着差异。评论者假设的“生理过程”可能是由于衰老造成的,因此年轻人中不应出现该过程。更重要的是,正如摘要和整篇文章中明确指出的那样,我们的工作重点是股骨髋臼撞击(FAI)患者的唇骨和滑膜(及其他关节组织)之间的关联以及这些变化对手术结局的影响。因此,与健康组织的比较超出了本研究的范围。尽管如此,我们的研究仍在进行中(由于COVID-19大流行,我们才有所延误);这些方面将在以后的文章中介绍。


休伯特等。[4]用冯·科萨(von Kossa)对所有样品进行染色,以确认“磷酸钙沉积”,而茜素红是在关节组织中染色“磷酸钙沉积”的公认替代方法。我们同意检测BCP晶体特别困难,并且要区分BCP和CPPD,我们需要进行额外的测量,例如极化或透射电子显微镜[5,6]。我们正在进行的研究(与Oliviero博士[7]合作)旨在根据Favero博士(本研究的合著者)的专业知识和研究兴趣,进一步表征FAI和OA患者中钙沉积的性质。我们希望尽快报告这些发现。

先前的研究表明,终末期OA患者的唇骨钙化量而非组织学变性程度对术前Harris Hip Score(HHS)有重要影响[3,4]。因此,在FAI患者的唇中有多少钙晶体沉积会对髋关节功能产生不利影响。



乔凡尼·特里索里诺(Giovanni Trisolino),

Marta Favero,

恩里科·塔西纳里(Enrico Tassinari),

Eleonora Olivotto

  1. 1。

    Trisolino G,Favero M,Dallari D,Tassinari E,Traina F,Otero M等。唇钙化在股骨髋臼撞击中的髋部疼痛和症状中起关键作用。J OrthopSurg研究。2020; 15(1):86。


  2. 2。

    Battistelli M,Favero M,Burini D,Trisolino G,Dallari D,De Franceschi L等。正常,受伤和骨关节炎的人类半月板的形态和​​超微结构分析。Eur J Histochem。2019; 63(1):2998。


  3. 3。

    Hawellek T,Hubert J,Hischke S,Krause M,Bertrand J,Schmidt BC等。髋臼髋臼钙化:一般人群中的患病率及其与髋关节软骨和纤维软骨变性的关系。关节炎治疗。2018; 20(1):104。


  4. 4。

    Hubert J,Hawellek T,Moe M,Hischke S,Krause M,Rolvien T等。髋关节终末期骨关节炎的唇钙化与疼痛和临床功能有关。J Orthop水库。2018; 36(4):1248–55。

    PubMed Google学术搜索

  5. 5,

    Yavorskyy A,Hernandez-Santana A,McCarthy G,McMahonG。骨关节炎患者关节液中磷酸钙晶体的检测-分析方法和挑战。分析师。2008; 133:302-18。


  6. 6。

    Frallonardo P,Oliviero F,Peruzzo L,Tauro L,Scanu A,Galozzi P等人。膝关节骨关节炎滑液中钙晶体的检测:偏振光和扫描电子显微镜之间的比较。临床风湿病学杂志2018年10月2016年-第22卷-第7期-369-371页。

  7. 7。

    Oliviero F,Galozzi P,Ramonda R,LeitedeOliveiraF,Schiavon F,Scanu A等。滑液分析中的异常发现:综述。安临床实验室科学。2017年5月至6月; 47(3):253-259)。







  1. IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli的小儿骨伤科,通过GCPupilli 1,40136,Bologna,Italy

    乔凡尼·特里索里诺(Giovanni Trisolino)和斯特凡诺·斯蒂利(Stefano Stilli)

  2. 帕多瓦大学医院医学部风湿病科(DIMED),意大利帕多瓦Via Giustiniani 2,35128

    Marta Favero和Roberta Ramonda

  3. 重建骨科手术创新技术-肌肉骨骼组织库;髋关节假体的翻修手术和新植入物的研发,IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli,通过GCPupilli 1,40136,意大利博洛尼亚,

    但丁·达拉里(Dante Dallari)和基亚拉·卡鲁比(Chiara Carubbi)

  4. IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli的骨科-创伤外科和修复外科以及髋关节和膝关节植入物的修复,通过GCPupilli 1,40136,意大利博洛尼亚

    恩里科·塔西纳里(Enrico Tassinari)和弗朗切斯科·特拉纳(Francesco Traina)

  5. 10021美国纽约州纽约市70街535号特殊外科医院HSS研究所

    Miguel Otero,Steven R. Goldring和Mary B. Goldring

  6. IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli RITCS RIT部门RAMSES实验室,通过di Barbiano 1/10,40136,Bologna,Italy

    布鲁内拉·格里戈洛(Brunella Grigolo)和埃莉奥诺拉(Eleonora Olivotto)

  7. IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli免疫血液流变学和组织再生实验室,地址:意大利迪亚·巴贝亚诺1/10,40136,博洛尼亚,意大利

    Eleonora Olivotto

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Trisolino,G.,Favero,M.,Dallari,D。等。对“致编辑的信:唇钙化在股骨髋臼撞击的髋部疼痛和症状中起关键作用”。Ĵ骨科外科杂志RES 15, 274(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-020-01799-z


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