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Mountain glacier fluctuations during the Lateglacial and Holocene on Clavering Island (northeastern Greenland) from 10Be moraine dating
Boreas ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1111/bor.12460
Melody Biette 1 , Vincent Jomelli 1 , Marie Chenet 1 , Régis Braucher 2 , Vincent Rinterknecht 1 , Timothy Lane 3 ,

Despite an increasing interest in Greenlandic mountain glaciers over recent decades, their evolution during the Lateglacial and Holocene still needs to be better constrained. Here we present 25 10Be cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages of boulders collected on moraines from three glaciers located on Clavering Island (northeastern Greenland). CRE ages span 16.29±0.79 to 0.37±0.05 ka and reveal three periods of moraine formation during the Lateglacial, the Early and the Late Holocene. Data show a multi‐modal distribution of the ages during the Lateglacial with exposure ages spanning from 16.29±0.79 to 12.31±1.3 ka. At least two glaciers experienced a greater expansion at the beginning of the Holocene than at the end of the Holocene, dated to 11.3±0.3 and 10.8±0.6 ka, respectively. At the end of the Holocene, glacial advances occurred during the Dark Ages Cold Period and during the Little Ice Age (LIA), synchronous with glacial advances documented in nearby lake sediments. This new CRE chronology highlights that the LIA extent is not the largest glacier advance in the Late Holocene in Clavering Island. This broadly corresponds with other mountain glaciers of western and northern Greenland, and does not appear to reflect northern high latitude summer insolation that would suggest progressive temperature decrease, but instead mimics recent regional continental temperature reconstructions that show a long term warming driven by different forcing.



尽管近几十年来人们对格陵兰山冰川的兴趣日益浓厚,但仍需要更好地限制其在晚冰期和全新世期间的演化。在这里我们提出25 10从位于克拉弗林岛(北格陵兰岛)的三座冰川的冰rain上收集的巨石的宇宙射线暴露(CRE)年龄。CRE年龄范围为16.29±0.79至0.37±0.05 ka,揭示了晚冰期,早新世和晚新世期间冰ora形成的三个时期。数据显示了晚冰期的多峰年龄分布,暴露年龄范围从16.29±0.79到12.31±1.3 ka。至少有两个冰川在全新世开始时比在全新世结束时经历了更大的膨胀,分别为11.3±0.3和10.8±0.6 ka。全新世末期,在黑暗时代的寒冷时期和小冰期(LIA)期间发生了冰川运动,与附近湖泊沉积物中记载的冰川运动同步​​。这种新的CRE年表强调了LIA范围并不是克拉弗林岛晚全新世的最大冰川进展。这大致上与格陵兰西部和北部的其他高山冰川相对应,并且似乎没有反映出北部高纬度夏季的日照,这暗示着温度逐渐下降,而是模仿了近期的区域大陆温度重建,这些重建表明长期受不同强迫作用而变暖。