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Movement ecology of imperilled fish in a novel ecosystem: River‐reservoir movements by razorback sucker and translocations to aid conservation
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3399
Casey A. Pennock 1 , Mark C. McKinstry 2 , Charles N. Cathcart 3 , Keith B. Gido 1 , Travis A. Francis 4 , Brian A. Hines 5 , Peter D. MacKinnon 6 , Skyler C. Hedden 1 , Eliza I. Gilbert 7 , Christopher A. Cheek 8 , David W. Speas 2 , Katherine Creighton 5 , Darek S. Elverud 4 , Benjamin J. Schleicher 4

  1. Reservoirs and associated river fragments are novel ecosystems not experienced by fishes in their evolutionary history, yet they are now commonplace across the globe. Understanding how fishes use these novel habitats is vital to conservation efforts in contemporary riverscapes.
  2. Movement patterns of the endangered razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) synthesized from tagging efforts in the upper Colorado River basin, USA, illustrate the applications of tagging technology and data sharing by multiple agencies to better understand the spatial ecology of large river fishes.
  3. Tagging studies between 2014 and 2018 in Lake Powell and its two main tributary rivers, the Colorado (unfragmented) and San Juan (waterfall‐fragmented), were used to quantify movement of razorback sucker within this river–reservoir habitat complex. In addition, facilitated translocations of fish upstream of a waterfall barrier in the San Juan River were assessed in 2016–2017.
  4. Extensive movement of fish occurred within and across river and reservoir habitats. Of 722 fish captured in the Colorado River arm of Lake Powell, 36% of re‐encounters occurred upstream in the Colorado or Green rivers, or fish dispersed through the reservoir and were detected in the San Juan River arm. Fourteen fish moved more than 600 km. In the San Juan arm of the reservoir, 29% and 20% of fish in 2017 and 2018, respectively, had moved ~30–40 km upstream below the waterfall in the San Juan River within a year. In 2016–2017, 303 fish were translocated upstream of the waterfall into the San Juan River, but 80% were re‐encountered downstream of the waterfall within a year.
  5. Long‐distance movements by razorback sucker were common within and among rivers and reservoirs illustrating how large river fish, in general, might maintain population connectivity in highly altered ecosystems.



  1. 水库和相关的河流片断是鱼类在其进化史上没有经历过的新型生态系统,但如今在全球范围内它们已司空见惯。了解鱼类如何利用这些新颖的栖息地对于当代河流景观的保护工作至关重要。
  2. 由美国科罗拉多河上游流域的标记工作合成的濒危的剃须刀吸盘(Xyrauchen texanus)的运动模式,说明了标记技术的应用和多家机构的数据共享,以更好地了解大型河鱼的空间生态。
  3. 在2014年至2018年之间对鲍威尔湖及其两条主要支流河(科罗拉多州(未分段)和圣胡安(瀑布分段))进行的标记研究,用于量化该水库栖息地复合体中的刺鼻吸盘的运动。此外,2016-2017年评估了圣胡安河瀑布屏障上游鱼类的易位。
  4. 鱼类在河流和水库栖息地之内和之间广泛运动。在鲍威尔湖科罗拉多河支流捕获的722条鱼中,有36%的再遇发生在科罗拉多河或格林河的上游,或通过水库分散并在圣胡安河支流中发现的鱼。14条鱼移动了600多公里。在水库的圣胡安地区,2017年和2018年的鱼类分别在一年之内向上游移动了约30–40 km,位于圣胡安河瀑布下方约29%和20%。在2016-2017年,有303条鱼从瀑布上游转移到圣胡安河,但一年之内又遇到了80%的鱼。
  5. 剃刀back吸盘的长距离运动在河流和水库内和之间很常见,这说明大河鱼通常可以在高度变化的生态系统中维持种群的连通性。