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Antibiotic resistance genes in different animal manures and their derived organic fertilizer
Environmental Sciences Europe ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00381-y
Yan Xu , Houyu Li , Rongguang Shi , Jiapei Lv , Bihan Li , Fengxia Yang , Xiangqun Zheng , Jian Xu


The prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in animal manure poses a threat to environmental safety. Organic fertilizers fermented by livestock and poultry manure are directly applied to farmland and have the potential to cause outbreaks of bacterial resistance in agricultural environments. This study investigated the composition of ARGs in different animal manures and their derived organic fertilizers.


The results showed that the abundance of several ARGs, such as sul2, TetB-01, TetG-01 and TetM-01, in organic fertilizer samples was 12–96% lower than that in animal manure. However, the abundance of TetK and ermC was higher in animal manure than in organic fertilizers. No correlation between ARGs and environmental factors such as pH, TN, and antibiotics was observed by redundancy analysis (RDA). Procrustes analysis revealed a significant correlation between bacterial community structures and ARG abundance (r = 0.799, p < 0.01). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis suggested that microorganisms in organic fertilizer may be derived from animal manure. Additionally, the abundance of pathogenic bacteria (especially Actinomadura) would increase rather than decrease in manure compared to organic fertilizer.


The diversity and abundance of most ARGs significantly decreased from animal manure to organic fertilizer. Microorganisms in the prepared organic fertilizer may mainly be inherited from the animal manure. The results also showed that the pathogens in the prepared organic fertilizer would significantly reduce, but would still cause partial pathogen proliferation.






结果表明,有机肥料样品中sul 2,Tet B-01,Tet G-01和Tet M-01等几种ARG的丰度比动物粪肥低12-96%。但是,动物肥料中的Tet K和erm C的含量高于有机肥料。通过冗余分析(RDA)未观察到ARG与环境因素(例如pH,TN和抗生素)之间的相关性。前驱物分析显示细菌群落结构与ARG丰度之间存在显着相关性(r  = 0.799,p <0.01)。非度量多维缩放(NMDS)分析表明,有机肥料中的微生物可能来自动物粪便。另外,与有机肥料相比,大量的致病细菌(特别是放线菌)会增加而不是减少粪便。

