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Summer storms and their effects on the spectrum and quantity of airborne bioparticles in Bratislava, Central Europe.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-08497-7
Jana Ščevková 1 , Jozef Dušička 1 , Mária Tropeková 1 , Jozef Kováč 2

A thunderstorm is a risk factor for severe respiratory allergy or asthma attacks in patients suffering from pollen/spore allergy. This study aimed to investigate the changes in the spectrum and quantity of pollen and fungal spores in the air of Bratislava during summer storms as well as the impact of selected environmental parameters on these changes. Pollen/spore samples were collected using a Burkard volumetric aerospore trap during summer 2016. To identify those types of pollen/spores that may harm human health during the storm episodes, we analysed how the concentration of individual bioparticles in the air changed during pre-storm/storm/post-storm periods. The effect of environmental variables on the concentration of selected pollen/spore types was evaluated through Spearman’s correlation analysis. The results of our study suggest that thunderstorm-related respiratory allergy symptoms in the study area may be caused by (1) spores of Myxomycetes, the airborne concentration of which increases due to an increase in wind speed during the pre-storm period; (2) ruptured pollen and Diatripaceae spores, the concentration of which increases due to increase in precipitation and relative air humidity, respectively, during the storm period; and (3) spores of Fusarium and Leptosphaeria, the concentration of which increases due to increase in precipitation and air temperature, respectively, during the post-storm period.


