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Numerical analysis of coaxial dielectric barrier helium discharges: three-stage mode transitions and internal bullet propagation
Applied Physics Express ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.35848/1882-0786/aba3f2
Yosuke Sato 1, 2 , Kenji Ishikawa 1 , Takayoshi Tsutsumi 1 , Masaru Hori 1

He discharge in a coaxial dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) device develops in three stages: first, a Townsend-glow-type plasma spreads in the region between the electrodes; second, a plasma bullet (streamer type discharge) propagates axially and; third, the bullet transitions into a surface discharge at the dielectric surface. These mode transitions are quite different from planar type DBD, in which one discharge mode basically corresponds to one discharge pulse. From fluid-based numerical analysis, the bullet propagation is obeyed by trapping with strong electric fields induced by grounded electrode underneath the dielectric barrier and by surface charge accumulated on the dielectric surface.


