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Reproductive Aggregations of Dynoides dentisinus (Crustacea: Peracarida), an Intertidal Isopod with Remarkable Sexual Dimorphism
The Biological Bulletin ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1086/710080
Takeru Nakamachi , Akira Asakura

The intertidal isopod Dynoides dentisinus is a sexually dimorphic species; males are much larger than females and have a large, horn-like pleonal process (hereafter referred to as a “horn”) and large, posteriorly extended uropods. Here, we investigated the function of these structures with regard to their mating system. Behavioral interactions were observed between a male occupying a small tube (resident) and a newly introduced individual (a female or male visitor). When the visitor was male, the resident repeatedly struck the visitor with his horn; each swing was accompanied by a short sound produced by stridulation. The resident also used his uropods to strike the male visitor and then rejected the visitor. The resident struck the female visitor in a similar fashion but eventually accepted her into the tube; during this process, the resident frequently emitted stridulatory sounds. Our field survey found that the members shared a single shelter (barnacle shell) containing groups composed of several males and females. This suggests that the mating system of this species is polygynandry. The number of females in a single barnacle shell was positively associated with the basal diameter of the barnacle shell. However, the number of females was not associated with the body size, horn size, or uropod size of the largest male in the barnacle shell. These results suggest that male body size, horns, and uropods might have evolved as weapons through male-male competition for large barnacle habitats and more females, but that they have not evolved as ornaments via female choice.


Dynoides dentisinus (甲壳纲: Peracarida) 的生殖聚集, 一种具有显着性二态性的潮间带等足类动物

潮间带等足动物 Dynoides dentisinus 是一种两性异形的物种;雄性比雌性大得多,有一个大的、角状的腹突(以下称为“角”)和大的、向后延伸的尾足。在这里,我们研究了这些结构在其交配系统方面的功能。观察到占据小管子的男性(居民)和新引入的个体(女性或男性访客)之间的行为互动。来访者为男性时,居民多次用角敲打来访者;每一次摆动都伴随着由颤动产生的短促声音。该居民还用他的尾足类动物袭击了男性访客,然后拒绝了访客。这名居民以类似的方式殴打了女访客,但最终还是接受了她进入管子;在这个过程中,居民经常发出刺耳的声音。我们的实地调查发现,成员共用一个庇护所(藤壶壳),其中包含由几个男性和女性组成的群体。这表明该物种的交配系统是一夫多妻制。单个藤壶壳中的雌性数量与藤壶壳的基底直径呈正相关。然而,雌性的数量与藤壶壳中最大的雄性的体型、角大小或尾足类动物的大小无关。这些结果表明,雄性的体型、角和尾足类动物可能是通过雄性对大型藤壶栖息地和更多雌性的竞争而进化为武器的,但它们并没有通过雌性的选择进化为装饰品。我们的实地调查发现,成员共用一个庇护所(藤壶壳),其中包含由几个男性和女性组成的群体。这表明该物种的交配系统是一夫多妻制。单个藤壶壳中的雌性数量与藤壶壳的基底直径呈正相关。然而,雌性的数量与藤壶壳中最大的雄性的体型、角大小或尾足类动物的大小无关。这些结果表明,雄性的体型、角和尾足类动物可能是通过雄性对大型藤壶栖息地和更多雌性的竞争而进化为武器的,但它们并没有通过雌性的选择进化为装饰品。我们的实地调查发现,成员共用一个庇护所(藤壶壳),其中包含由几个男性和女性组成的群体。这表明该物种的交配系统是一夫多妻制。单个藤壶壳中的雌性数量与藤壶壳的基底直径呈正相关。然而,雌性的数量与藤壶壳中最大的雄性的体型、角大小或尾足类动物的大小无关。这些结果表明,雄性的体型、角和尾足类动物可能是通过雄性对大型藤壶栖息地和更多雌性的竞争而进化为武器的,但它们并没有通过雌性的选择进化为装饰品。单个藤壶壳中的雌性数量与藤壶壳的基底直径呈正相关。然而,雌性的数量与藤壶壳中最大的雄性的体型、角大小或尾足类动物的大小无关。这些结果表明,雄性的体型、角和尾足类动物可能是通过雄性对大型藤壶栖息地和更多雌性的竞争而进化为武器的,但它们并没有通过雌性的选择进化为装饰品。单个藤壶壳中的雌性数量与藤壶壳的基底直径呈正相关。然而,雌性的数量与藤壶壳中最大的雄性的体型、角大小或尾足类动物的大小无关。这些结果表明,雄性的体型、角和尾足类动物可能是通过雄性对大型藤壶栖息地和更多雌性的竞争而进化为武器的,但它们并没有通过雌性的选择进化为装饰品。