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Systematic revision and phylogenetic assessment of two new Neotropical genera of the rove-beetle subtribe Philonthina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae): Inesius gen. nov. and Rhaegalius gen. nov.
Zoologischer Anzeiger ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.07.001
José M. Ramírez-Salamanca , Daniel F. Silva-Tavera , Mariana R. Chani-Posse

Two new genera of Staphylinidae, Inesius gen. nov. (type species Inesius callosipennis (Scheerpeltz)) and the monotypic Rhaegalius gen. nov. (type species Rhaegalius sophia sp. nov.) from the Tropical Andes are described and illustrated using characters of external morphology and male and female genitalia. Philonthus callosipennis Scheerpeltz is transferred to Inesius. Inesius comprises 12 species, of which 11 are new: Inesius asenjoi (Perú), Inesius brunkei (Colombia), Inesius faguensis (Colombia), Inesius forero (Ecuador), Inesius laurae (Colombia), Inesius lopezi (Colombia, Ecuador and Perú), Inesius lynn (Ecuador), Inesius maryzenderus (Perú), Inesius matyi (Ecuador), Inesius schillhammeri (Bolivia) and Inesius zeae (Colombia). Lectotype is designated for P. callosipennis Scheerpeltz. Both genera are revised herein, with keys for identification, diagnoses, a cladogram and a distribution map. The phylogenetic analysis shows Inesius as a monophyletic genus sister to Rhaegalius in a well-supported clade that belongs to a natural group of Neotropical genera of Philonthina (Staphylinini).


系统的修订和系统发育评估和两个新的新热带属甲虫亚纲Philonthina(鞘翅目:Staphylinidae):Inesius gen。十一月 和Rhaegalius gen。十一月

葡萄球菌的两个新属,Inesius gen。十一月 (类型是Inesius callosipennis(Scheerpeltz))和单一型Rhaegalius gen。十一月 用外部形态特征和雄性和雌性生殖器的特征描述和说明了热带安第斯山脉的罗非鱼Rheagalius sophia sp.nov。类型种)。Philonthus callosipennis Scheerpeltz被转移到InesiusInesius共有12种,其中11种是新的:Inesius asenjoi(秘鲁),Inesius brunkei(哥伦比亚),Inesius faguensis(哥伦比亚),Inesius forero(厄瓜多尔),Inesius laurae(哥伦比亚),Inesius lopezi(哥伦比亚,厄瓜多尔和秘鲁),Inesius lynn(厄瓜多尔),Inesius maryzenderus(秘鲁),Inesius matyi(厄瓜多尔),Inesius schillhammeri(玻利维亚)和Inesius zeae(哥伦比亚)。选型被指定为P. callosipennis Scheerpeltz。这两个属均在此进行了修订,并带有用于识别,诊断,枝状图和分布图的关键字。系统发生分析显示Inesius作为一个单属妹妹Rhaegalius在属于Philonthina(Staphylinini)的新热带属的天然基的良好支持进化枝。
