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Ectomycorrhizal community composition of organic and mineral soil horizons in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) stands.
Mycorrhiza ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s00572-020-00970-y
Tanja Mrak 1 , Emira Hukić 2 , Ines Štraus 1 , Tina Unuk Nahberger 1 , Hojka Kraigher 1

Vertical ectomycorrhizal (ECM) community composition was assessed on silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in beech-silver fir forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Organic and upper mineral horizons were described by pedological analyses. Silver fir root tips were divided into vital ECM, old and non-mycorrhizal for each horizon separately. Morpho-anatomical classification of vital ECM root tips with an assessment of abundance was followed by ITS-based molecular characterization and classification into exploration types. The percentage of vital ECM root tips was not affected by the soil horizon. Altogether, 40 ECM taxa were recorded. Several taxa have not previously been reported for silver fir: Hebeloma laterinum, Inocybe fuscidula, I. glabripes, Lactarius acris, L. albocarneus, L. blennius, L. fluens, Ramaria bataillei, Russula badia, R. lutea, R. mairei, Sistotrema sp., Tarzetta catinus, Tomentella atroarenicolor, T. badia, T. cinerascens, T. bryophylla, and T. ramosissima, indicating high potential for diversity of ECM fungi in silver fir stands. No significant differences in community composition and species richness and diversity were detected between mineral and organic horizons. Community composition was affected by CaCO3, organic carbon concentration, organic carbon stock, total nitrogen stock, C/N ratio and soil bulk density. No significant effects of soil parameters were detected for exploration types. The contact exploration type was dominant in both soil horizons. Significantly different relative abundances of dominant taxa Tomentella stuposa, Cenococcum geophilum and Piloderma sp. 1 were detected in the two horizons. Twelve taxa were limited to the organic horizon and eight to the mineral horizon.


银杉(Abies alba Mill。)林分中有机层和矿质土壤层的外生菌根群落组成。

在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的山毛榉银杉林中,对银杉(Abies alba Mill。)上的垂直外生菌根(ECM)群落组成进行了评估。通过矿物学分析描述了有机矿层和上部矿层。对于每个视野,银杉的根尖分为重要的ECM,陈旧的和非菌根的。对重要ECM根尖进行形态解剖学分类并评估其丰度,然后进行基于ITS的分子表征并将其分类为勘探类型。重要ECM根尖的百分比不受土壤层位的影响。总共记录了40个ECM分类单元。以前没有关于银杉的几种分类单位的报道:后来的血吸虫褐毛线虫glabripes乳ACRISL. albocarneusL. blenniusL. fluensRamaria bataillei菇迪亚R.球菌R.红豆杉Sistotrema属,Tarzetta catinus,短绒atroarenicolorT.迪亚T. cinerascensT. bryophylla柽柳,表明银冷杉林中ECM真菌具有很高的多样性。在矿物和有机层之间没有发现群落组成,物种丰富度和多样性的显着差异。群落组成受CaCO 3,有机碳浓度,有机碳储量,总氮储量,碳氮比和土壤容重的影响。对于勘探类型,未检测到土壤参数的显着影响。接触勘探类型在两种土壤层中均占优势。优势类群Tomentella stuposaCenococcum geophilumPiloderma的相对丰度明显不同sp。在两个视野中检测到1个。十二个分类单元仅限于有机层,八个分类单元仅限于矿物层。