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Scaling of average receiving time and average shortest path on claw network
Physica Scripta ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/aba3ad
Huixian Yang , Yu Sun , Yongxia Hao

A new method is used to construct the claw network. The weight of edge in next generation on claw network is related to the strength of the node in former generation. Then we calculate the exact expression of the average receiving time (ART) on claw network after dividing the whole network into four blocks. The result of ART indicates that ART grows exponentially with the network order as a power-law function. Moreover, the accurate relation of average shortest path (ASP) on claw network is determined by a novel method. The key of this method is to divide the whole claw network into four blocks, and then divide each block network into some smaller blocks to calculate ASP. The result of ASP implies that ASP increases sublinearly with the size of the claw network.



一种新的方法用于构建爪网。爪网中下一代边缘的权重与前一代节点的强度有关。然后我们在将整个网络分成四个块后计算爪形网络上平均接收时间(ART)的精确表达式。ART 的结果表明 ART 作为幂律函数随网络阶数呈指数增长。此外,爪网络上平均最短路径(ASP)的准确关系是通过一种新方法确定的。这种方法的关键是将整个爪网分成四个区块,然后将每个区块网络分成一些更小的区块来计算ASP。ASP 的结果意味着 ASP 随着爪网络的大小呈亚线性增长。