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New insights on the neogene tectonic evolution of the Aksu Basin (SE Turkey) from the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and paleostress data
Journal of Structural Geology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104137
Muhammad Harbi Wasoo , Murat Özkaptan , Ayten Koç

Abstract The junction between the Aegean and Cyprus arc in the southern Turkey forms a triangular-shaped morphological structure so-called Isparta Angle (IA). In Neogene time, the inner part of the Isparta Angle became overlain by sedimentary basins including Manavgat, Koprucay and Aksu, characterized by marine clastics and carbonates.Aksu Basin, one of these marine basins, provides geological records about the Neogene crustal deformation and stress field in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Therefore, we kinematically assess if and when tectonic stress fields affected the Aksu basin in early Miocene to recent times. For this purpose, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) data (AMS) of cored samples and fault-slip data from the brittle mesoscopic faults were collected. The ~490 oriented samples for Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility measurements were analyzed and two different maximum magnetic lineation's directions are recognized; 1) N–S magnetic lineation in Pliocene and 2) from N–S to NW-SE magnetic lineation in the Miocene. The results inferred from more than 1000 fault-slip data collected from 83 different sites combined with AMS results demonstrate that the Aksu Basin developed under four different tectonic phases; 1) ~E-W extensional phase (related to basin formation), 2) ~N–S compressional (Lycian) phase, 3) ~(N)E-(S)W compressional (Aksu) phase and 4) N–S extensional (Recent) phase.


从磁化率各向异性 (AMS) 和古应力数据对阿克苏盆地(土耳其东南部)新近纪构造演化的新见解

摘要 土耳其南部爱琴海和塞浦路斯岛弧的交汇处形成三角形的形态结构,即伊斯帕塔角(IA)。新近纪时期,伊斯帕塔角内侧被马纳夫加特、科普鲁凯和阿克苏等沉积盆地所覆盖,以海相碎屑和碳酸盐岩为特征。阿克苏盆地是这些海相盆地之一,提供了新近纪地壳变形和应力场的地质记录在东地中海地区。因此,我们在运动学上评估了构造应力场是否以及何时影响了早中新世到近代的阿克苏盆地。为此,收集了取芯样品的磁化率各向异性 (AMS) 数据 (AMS) 和脆性细观断层的断层滑动数据。分析了用于磁化率各向异性测量的 ~490 个取向样品,并识别了两个不同的最大磁线方向;1) 上新世的 N-S 磁力线和 2) 中新世从 N-S 到 NW-SE 的磁力线。从 83 个不同地点收集的 1000 多个断层滑动数据结合 AMS 结果推断,阿克苏盆地在四个不同的构造阶段下发育;1)~EW 伸展相(与盆地形成有关),2)~N-S 挤压(Lycian)相,3)~(N)E-(S)W 挤压(Aksu)相和 4)N-S 挤压(最近)阶段。从 83 个不同地点采集的 1000 多个断层滑动数据结合 AMS 结果推断,阿克苏盆地发育在四个不同的构造阶段;1)~EW 伸展相(与盆地形成有关),2)~N-S 挤压(Lycian)相,3)~(N)E-(S)W 挤压(Aksu)相和 4)N-S 挤压(最近)阶段。从 83 个不同地点采集的 1000 多个断层滑动数据结合 AMS 结果推断,阿克苏盆地发育在四个不同的构造阶段;1)~EW 伸展相(与盆地形成有关),2)~N-S 挤压(Lycian)相,3)~(N)E-(S)W 挤压(Aksu)相和 4)N-S 挤压(最近)阶段。