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Detection and quantification of copper in scrap metal by linac-based neutron activation analysis.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2020.109339
Adrien Sari 1 , Sara Garti 1 , Frédéric Lainé 1 , Hamid Makil 1 , Nicolas Dufour 1 , Romuald Woo 1 , Frédérick Carrel 1 , Philippe Russo 2

This paper presents the investigation carried out by CEA List and ArcelorMittal R&D in order to assess the potential of linac-based neutron activation analysis to detect and quantify copper in scrap metal. Performances are evaluated using MCNP6 and then validated experimentally using a 6 MeV linac coupled with heavy water. It is shown that (γ, n) reaction cross-sections for deuterium are likely to be undervalued in ENDF/B-VII and suggested that photoneutron production algorithms in Monte Carlo codes should be reexamined.



本文介绍了由CEA List和ArcelorMittal R&D进行的研究,目的是评估基于直线加速器的中子活化分析在检测和量化废金属中的潜力。使用MCNP6评估性能,然后使用6 MeV直线加速器和重水进行实验验证。结果表明,在ENDF / B-VII中,氘的(γ,n)反应截面可能被低估了,并建议应重新检查蒙特卡洛代码中的光中子产生算法。
