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Mesozoic–Cenozoic Structure of the Black Sea–Caucasus–Caspian Region and Its Relationships with the Upper Mantle Structure
Geotectonics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016852120030103
V. G. Trifonov , S. Yu. Sokolov , S. A. Sokolov , K. Hessami

Abstract—Mesozoic‒Cenozoic tectonic zoning and its evolution are characterized by analysis of geological data on the Black Sea–Caucasus–Caspian region. The following tectonic zones were located in succession to the north of the Mesotethys Ocean in the Early Jurassic: the mobile zone on the Hercynian basement; the Moesian–Black Sea–Trans-Caucasus minor plate with the Precambrian–Baikalian basement, which experienced the Hercynian tectonic and magmatic reworking in the Lesser Caucasus; the relatively deep-water Crimean–Caucasus–South Caspian Trough on the continental crust that thinned in the process of its extension; and the southern margin of the Scythian Plate with a thin sedimentary cover. In the Caucasus, the southern and northern slopes of the deep-water axial trough have been identified, where thick shelf deposits accumulated. Subduction began in the northern margin of the Mesotethys in the Bajocian and island-arc volcanism occurred in the Somkheti–Karabakh zone and Eastern Pontides, the Trans-Caucasus part of the Moesian–Black Sea–Trans-Caucasus Plate, and the southern slope of the Crimean–Caucasus–South Caspian Trough. The volcanism in the Somkheti‒Karabakh zone and the Eastern Pontides lasted into the Cretaceous. The area of island-arc volcanism was inherited by the Eocene collisional volcanic belt. The Crimean part of the Crimean–Caucasus–South Caspian Trough and its northern slope in the Caucasus underwent Cimmerian deformation and shelf facies accumulated there after deformation up to the Miocene, while relatively deep-water sedimentation occurred in the Caucasus–South Caspian part of the Crimean–Caucasus–South Caspian Trough. The Western and Eastern Black Sea basins of extension originated in the Cretaceous on the continental crust of the Moesian–Black Sea–Trans-Caucasus Plate, which thinned in the basins as they were filled by Late Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Miocene marine deposits. In the Pliocene–Quaternary, total undifferentiated subsidence and sedimentation occurred in the Black Sea, and subsidence of the South Caspian, Azov‒Kuban, and Terek‒Derbent basins accelerated. Several phases of Middle and Late Miocene fault–fold deformation formed local uplifts in the mountainous parts of the region. The total uplift of mountain systems occurred in the Pliocene–Quaternary. The formed crustal structures and the velocity inhomogeneities in the upper mantle were compared, which showed that many inhomogeneities were obliterated by sublithosphere flows that spread out of the Ethiopian–Afar superplume. In mantle volumes, where the flow intensity weakened, relics of subducted slabs remained. They are slabs of the Neotethys in the Zagros and the Mesothethys in the Lower Kura Basin, and slabs of the Scythian Plate lithosphere underthrust under the Central Caucasus and more weakly under Steppe Crimea during the Hercynian subduction.



摘要通过对黑海-高加索-里海地区的地质数据进行分析,可以确定中生代-新生代构造带及其演化。在侏罗纪初期,以下构造带相继位于Mesotethys海洋以北:Hercynian地下室的活动带;具有前寒武纪—贝加尔盆地基底的摩西-黑海-高加索小板块,在小高加索地区经历了海西构造和岩浆改造;大陆壳上相对较深的克里米亚-高加索-南里海海槽,在其扩展过程中变薄;Scythian板块的南缘,沉积层薄。在高加索地区,已经确定了深水轴向槽的南部和北部斜坡,那里堆积了厚厚的沉积物。俯冲开始于巴约西亚中土世的北缘,岛弧火山活动发生在Somkheti-Karabakh地区和东庞德特斯群岛,Moesian-Black Sea-Trans-Caucasus Plate的跨高加索部分以及克里米亚–高加索–南里海海槽。Somkheti‒Karabakh地区和东蓬蒂德山脉的火山活动一直持续到白垩纪。始新世碰撞火山带继承了岛弧火山地区。克里米亚-高加索-南里海槽的克里米亚部分及其在高加索的北坡经历了Cimmerian变形,并在中新世变形后积累了沉积相,而相对深水沉积发生在该地区的高加索-南里海地区。克里米亚–高加索–南里海海槽。西部和东部黑海盆地的延伸起源于白垩纪,即摩西-黑海-高加索板块的大陆壳,随着晚白垩世,古近纪和中新世海相沉积物的填充,盆地中的白垩纪变薄。在上新世-第四纪,黑海中发生了全部未分化的沉降和沉积,南里海,亚速夫库班和特雷克‒德本特盆地的沉降加速了。中新世和晚中新世断层褶皱变形的几个阶段在该地区的山区形成了局部隆升。山区系统的总隆升发生在上新世—第四纪。比较了上地幔的地壳结构和速度非均质性,这表明,从埃塞俄比亚—阿法尔超大型岩浆中散布的岩石圈下流动消除了许多不均匀性。在流动强度减弱的地幔体积中,俯冲的板块遗迹仍然存在。它们是扎格罗斯(Zagros)的新特提斯板块和库拉盆地下游的中观(Mesothethys)板块,以及在高加索俯冲过程中中央高加索下的Scythian板块岩石圈板块下冲和草原克里米亚下的软弱板块。