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Strandings of cetaceans on the Espírito Santo coast, southeast Brazil, 1975-2015.
ZooKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.948.50468
Luis Felipe S P Mayorga 1 , Ralph E T Vanstreels 1 , Renata C C Bhering 1 , Natália Mamede 2 , Luiz M B Costa 3 , Flavia C F Pinheiro 4 , Luciano W D Reis 5 , Alessandro Trazzi 6 , Wilson Luiz Chevitarese Meirelles 6 , Alan Marques Ribeiro 7 , Salvatore Siciliano 8, 9

Espírito Santo state is located on the eastern margin of Brazil, in a transitional tropical-subtropical area (18°S–21°S) dominated by oligotrophic waters. With the exception of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), the cetacean community of Espírito Santo has been understudied. In addition to the chronic impacts from fisheries, marine pollution, urban development, and coastal habitat degradation, in November 2015 the cetacean communities of Espírito Santo were challenged by the greatest environmental disaster in Brazil’s history. The Mariana dam disaster caused 60 million cubic meters of mining waste to be washed into the Doce River, which ultimately flowed to the coastal waters of Espírito Santo, with a high concentration of heavy metals. This study reviews and updates information on cetacean strandings in the state of Espírito Santo (excluding humpback whales) prior to this disaster. From 1975 to September 2015, there were 461 recorded cetacean strandings, representing 20 species. An average 1.18 strandings per 100 km per month were recorded since a state-wide daily beach survey program was implemented in October 2010, contrasting with the 0.14 strandings per 100 km per month in previous years. Six species comprised the majority (94.7%) of stranding events: Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei), rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), and melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra). Oceanic cetaceans stranded most frequently on the southern portion of Espírito Santo, where the continental platform is narrower, whereas the strandings of coastal cetaceans such as Guiana dolphins and Franciscanas were concentrated near estuaries, especially the Doce River. This is particularly concerning in face of the Mariana dam disaster, which drastically altered the estuarine and coastal environment associated with the Doce River.



圣埃斯皮里图州位于巴西的东部边缘,处于由贫营养水主导的热带亚热带过渡地区(18°S–21°S)。除了座头鲸(Megaptera novaeangliae)外,埃斯皮里图·桑托(EspíritoSanto)的鲸类群落得到了研究。除了渔业,海洋污染,城市发展和沿海栖息地退化带来的长期影响外,2015年11月,圣埃斯皮里图(EspíritoSanto)的鲸类群落还面临着巴西历史上最大的环境灾难。马里亚纳(Mariana)大坝灾难导致6000万立方米的采矿废料被冲入多斯河(Doce River),该河最终流入高浓度重金属的埃斯皮里托圣托(EspíritoSanto)沿海水域。这项研究回顾并更新了这场灾难之前圣埃斯皮里图州的鲸类搁浅信息(座头鲸除外)。从1975年到2015年9月,记录了461例鲸类搁浅,代表20种。自从2010年10月实施全州范围的每日海滩调查计划以来,平均每100公里每月有1.18股绞线,而前几年则为每100公里每月0.14根绞线。六个物种构成了大多数(94.7%)搁浅事件:圭亚那海豚(Sotalia guianensis),方济会(Pontoporia blainvillei),粗齿海豚(Steno bredanensis),宽吻海豚(Tursiops truncatus),抹香鲸(Physeter macrocephalus)和瓜头鲸(Peponocephala electrora)。海洋鲸类动物在西班牙大陆的平台较狭窄的南部地区最经常搁浅,而圭亚那海豚和方济各斯群岛等沿海鲸类动物的搁浅则集中在河口附近,尤其是多斯河。面对马里亚纳水坝灾难,这尤其令人担忧,该灾难极大地改变了与多西河相关的河口和沿海环境。