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The family Oestridae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera, Oestroidea).
ZooKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.947.52317
Magdi S A El-Hawagry 1 , Mahmoud S Abdel-Dayem 2 , Hathal M Al Dhafer 2

All known taxa of the family Oestridae (superfamily Oestroidea) in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia are systematically catalogued herein. Three oestrid subfamilies have been recorded in Saudi Arabia and/or Egypt by six genera: Gasterophilus (Gasterophilinae), Hypoderma, Przhevalskiana (Hypodermatinae), Cephalopina, Oestrus, and Rhinoestrus (Oestrinae). Five Gasterophilus spp. have been recorded in Egypt, namely, G. haemorrhoidalis (Linnaeus), G. intestinalis (De Geer), G. nasalis (Linnaeus), G. nigricornis (Loew), and G. pecorum (Fabricius). Only two of these species have also been recorded in Saudi Arabia, namely: G. intestinalis (De Geer) and G. nasalis (Linnaeus). The subfamily Hypodermatinae is represented in the two countries by only four species in two genera, namely, H. bovis (Linnaeus) and H. desertorum Brauer (in Egypt only), and H. lineatum (Villers) (in Saudi Arabia only) and Przhevalskiana silenus (Brauer) (in both countries). The subfamily Oestrinae is represented by two widely distributed species in both countries, namely, C. titillator (Clark) and O. ovis (L.), in addition to another species represented in Egypt only, R. purpureus (Brauer). For each species, synonymies, type localities, distribution, Egyptian and Saudi Arabian localities with coordinates, and collection dates are presented.


埃及和沙特阿拉伯的 Oestridae 科(双翅目,Oestroidea)。

本文对埃及和沙特阿拉伯所有已知的 Oestridae 科(Oestroidea 总科)的分类群进行了系统编目。在沙特阿拉伯和/或埃及记录了三个雌蜂亚科的六个属:Gasterophilus (Gasterophilinae)、Hypoderma、Przhevalskiana (Hypodermatinae)、Cephalopina、Oestrus 和 Rhinoestrus (Oestrinae)。五个 Gasterophilus spp. 已在埃及记录,即 G. haemorrhoidalis (Linnaeus)、G. Enteralis (De Geer)、G.nasalis (Linnaeus)、G. nigricornis (Loew) 和 G. pecorum (Fabricius)。这些物种中只有两种在沙特阿拉伯也有记录,即:G. Enterisis (De Geer) 和 G.nasalis (Linnaeus)。Hypodermatinae 亚科在这两个国家仅由两个属的 4 个物种代表,即 H. bovis (Linnaeus) 和 H. Desertorum Brauer(仅在埃及)和 H. lineatum (Villers)(仅在沙特阿拉伯)和Przhevalskiana silenus (Brauer)(在两个国家)。Oestrinae 亚科有两个在两国广泛分布的物种,即 C. titillator (Clark) 和 O. ovis (L.),此外还有另一种仅在埃及出现的物种 R. purpureus (Brauer)。对于每个物种,都提供了同义词、模式产地、分布、埃及和沙特阿拉伯产地及其坐标以及采集日期。