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Nearctic walnut leafminers invade Europe: first Coptodisca lucifluella (Clemens, 1860) and now Coptodisca juglandiella (Chambers, 1874) (Lepidoptera, Heliozelidae)
Nota Lepidopterologica ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-14 , DOI: 10.3897/nl.43.38686
Attila Takács , Csaba Szabóky , Balázs Tóth , Miklós Bozsó , János Kutas , Szilárd Molnár , Ignác Richter

. The Nearctic leafminer of black walnut Coptodisca juglandiella (Chambers, 1874) was found in Hungary and reported as new for Europe. Larvae were found in leafmines on black walnut (Juglans nigra (L.)), white walnut (J. cinerea (L.)) and Arizona walnut (J. major (Torr.)); the latter two Juglans species are new host plant records for C. juglandiella. Mines of Coptodisca lucifluella (Clemens, 1860), another Nearctic invader, were found on leaves of bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis (Wangenh.) K.Koch) and Caucasian wingnut (Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Lam). Spach.) (a new hostplant record), in addition to common walnut (Juglans regia L.). Interestingly, C. lucifluella is thought to have performed a host plant shift after its introduction into Europe, whereas C. juglandiella apparently did not. Coptodisca juglandiella has three generations in Hungary. The autumn generations of both species produced many more mines than the spring generations. One hymenopteran parasitoid specimen was reared from C. juglandiella. Larvae, mines and adults of C. juglandiella and C. juglandiella can be easily distinguished, differences are presented and illustrated. The genitalia of C. juglandiella are described for the first time.


c核桃胡桃木入侵者入侵欧洲:首先是Coptodisca lucifluella(Clemens,1860年),现在是Coptodisca juglandiella(Chambers,1874年)(鳞翅目,鳞翅目)

。黑核桃Coptodisca juglandiella的Nearctic挖矿机(钱伯斯,1874年)在匈牙利发现,并据报道在欧洲是新的。在黑胡桃(Juglans nigra(L.)),白胡桃(J. cinerea(L.))和Arizona胡桃(J. major(Torr。))的叶雷中发现了幼虫。后两个胡桃属物种是胡桃木的新寄主植物记录。在苦胡桃山核桃(山核桃(Wangenh。)K.Koch)和高加索花生(Pterocarya fraxinifolia(Lam).Spach)的叶子上发现了另一种近来入侵者Coptodisca lucifluella(Clemens,1860)的矿山。 ),普通核桃(核桃仁)。有趣的是,人们认为lucifluella菌在引入欧洲后已经进行了寄主植物转移,而juglandiella菌显然没有。Coptodisca juglandiella在匈牙利有三代人。这两个物种的秋季世代比春季世代生产了更多的地雷。从胡桃木(C. juglandiella)饲养了一个膜翅类寄生虫标本。可以容易地区分C. juglandiella和C. juglandiella的幼虫,地雷和成虫,并提出和说明差异。首次描述了胡桃木的生殖器。