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Study on properties of electromagnetic shielding yarns and fabrics
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.1108/ijcst-09-2019-0134
Xinjin Liu , Xinxin Yan , Xuzhong Su , Juan Song

With the popularization of electronic products, the electromagnetic radiation pollution has been the fourth largest pollution after water, air and noise pollution. Therefore, electromagnetic shielding property of textiles is attracting more attention. In this paper, the properties of electromagnetic shielding yarns and fabrics were studied.,Ten kinds of yarn, stainless steel short fiber and polyester blend yarn with three different blending ratios T/S 90/10, T/S 80/20 and T/S 70/30, stainless steel short fiber, polyester and cotton blend yarn with blending ratio C/T/S 35/35/30, core-spun yarn with one 30 um stainless steel filament C/T28tex/S(30 um), core-spun yarn with two 15 um stainless steel filaments (C/T28tex/S(15 um)/S(15 um)), twin-core-spun yarn with one 30 um stainless steel filament and one 50D spandex filament C/T28tex/S(30 um)/SP(50D), sirofil wrapped yarn with one 30 um stainless steel filament feeding from left S(30 um)+C/T28tex, sirofil wrapped yarn with one 30 um stainless steel filament feeding from right C/T28tex+S(30 um), sirofil wrapped yarn with two 15 um stainless steel filaments feeding from two sides S(15 um)+C/T28tex+ S(15 um), were spun. The qualities of spun yarns were measured. Then, for analyzing the electromagnetic shielding properties of fabrics made of different spun yarns, 20 kinds of fabrics were woven.,The tested results show that comparing to the T/S 80/20 blend yarn, the resistivity of composite yarns with the same ratio of the stainless steel filament is smaller. The possible reason is that comparing to the stainless steel short fiber, the conductivity of stainless steel filament is better because of the continuous distribution of stainless steel in the filament. Comparing with the core-spun yarn, the conductivity of the sirofil wrapped yarn is a little better. Comparing to the fabric woven by the blend yarn, the electromagnetic shielding of the fabric woven by the composite yarn is better, and comparing to the fabric woven by the core-spun yarn, the electromagnetic shielding of the fabric woven by the sirofil yarn is a little better. The possible reason is that the conduction network can be produced by the stainless steel filament wrapped on the staple fiber yarn surface in the fabric, and the electromagnetic wave can be transmitted in the network.,In this paper, the properties of electromagnetic shielding yarns and fabrics were studied. Ten kinds of yarn, including three stainless steel short fiber and polyester blend yarns, one stainless steel short fiber, polyester and cotton blend yarn, two core-spun yarns, one twin-core-spun yarn, three sirofil wrapped yarn, were spun. Then, for analyzing the electromagnetic shielding properties of fabrics made of different spun yarns, 20 kinds of fabrics were woven. The effects of fabric warp and weft densities, fabric structures, yarn kinds, yarn distributions in the fabric on electromagnetic shielding were analyzed.



随着电子产品的普及,电磁辐射污染已成为继水、空气和噪声污染之后的第四大污染。因此,纺织品的电磁屏蔽性能越来越受到重视。本文研究了电磁屏蔽纱线和织物的性能。,三种不同混纺比T/S 90/10、T/S 80/20和T/的十种纱线、不锈钢短纤维和涤纶混纺纱线。 S 70/30,不锈钢短纤维涤棉混纺纱,混纺比C/T/S 35/35/30,包芯纱配一根30um不锈钢长丝C/T28tex/S(30um), 2根15um不锈钢长丝包芯纱(C/T28tex/S(15 um)/S(15 um)),1根30um不锈钢长丝和1根50D氨纶长丝双芯纱C/T28tex /S(30 微米)/SP(50D), sirofil 包裹纱线,从左侧喂入一根 30 um 不锈钢长丝 S(30 um)+C/T28tex,sirofil 包裹纱线,从右侧喂入一根 30 um 不锈钢长丝 C/T28tex+S(30 um),sirofil 包绕纱线与从两侧S(15 um)+C/T28tex+ S(15 um)进料的两条15 um不锈钢长丝被纺丝。测量细纱的质量。然后,为分析不同纺纱织物的电磁屏蔽性能,织造了20种织物。测试结果表明,与T/S​​ 80/20混纺纱相比,相同比例的复合纱的电阻率不锈钢丝的体积更小。可能的原因是与不锈钢短纤维相比,不锈钢灯丝的导电性更好,因为不锈钢在灯丝中连续分布。与包芯纱相比,赛罗非包覆纱的导电性要好一些。与混纺纱织造的织物相比,复合纱织造的织物的电磁屏蔽性更好,而与包芯纱织造的织物相比,赛洛菲尔纱织造的织物的电磁屏蔽性更好。好一点。可能的原因是在织物中缠绕在短纤维纱表面的不锈钢丝可以产生传导网络,电磁波可以在网络中传播。,本文对电磁屏蔽纱的特性和面料进行了研究。十种纱线,包括3条不锈钢短纤维涤棉混纺纱,1条不锈钢短纤维涤棉混纺纱,2条包芯纱,1条双芯纱,3条赛洛菲尔包缠纱。然后,为了分析由不同细纱制成的织物的电磁屏蔽性能,编织了 20 种织物。分析了织物经纬密度、织物结构、纱线种类、织物中纱线分布对电磁屏蔽的影响。