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Bifurcations in a pollination-mutualism system with nectarless flowers
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-06 , DOI: 10.3934/dcdss.2020162
Hong Wu , , Shan Sun , Yuanshi Wang ,

This paper considers a pollination-mutualism system in which flowering plants have strategies of secreting and cheating: secretors produce a substantial volume of nectar in flowers but cheaters produce none. Accordingly, floral visitors have strategies of neglecting and selecting: neglectors enter any flower encountered but selectors only enter full flowers since they can discriminate between secretors and cheaters. By combination of replicator equations and two-species dynamical systems, the games are described by a mathematical model in this paper. Dynamics of the model demonstrate mechanisms by which nectarless flowers can invade the secretor-pollinator system and by which a cyclic game between nectarless flowers and pollinators could occur. Criteria for the persistence of nectarless flowers are derived in terms of the given parameters (factors), including the nectar-producing cost and cheaters' efficiency. Numerical simulations show that when parameters vary, cheaters would vary among extinction, persistence in periodic oscillations, and persistence without secretors (i.e., cheaters spread widely). We also consider the evolution of plants in a constant state of pollinator population, and the evolution of pollinators in a constant state of plant population. Dynamics of the models demonstrate conditions under which nectarless flowers (resp. selectors) could persist.


