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Effects of Opuntia ficus-indica in the diet of primiparous sows on the metabolic profile during late gestation and lactation and feed intake during lactation.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-19 , DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13413
Gerardo Ordaz 1 , Aureliano Juárez 2 , Rosa E Pérez 3 , Héctor E Martínez 3 , Ruy Ortiz 4

The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary Opuntia ficus‐indica L. (OFI) on the metabolic profile of primiparous sows during late gestation and lactation, and its impact on voluntary feed intake (VFI) during lactation. From day 85 of gestation to weaning, 32 sows were divided into four feeding schemes (n = 8 sows/scheme): Basal diet (BD) without OFI supplementation; Test scheme I, BD during gestation and BD + OFI during lactation; Test scheme II, BD + OFI during both gestation and lactation, and Test scheme III, BD + OFI during gestation and BD during lactation. Blood samples were obtained during gestation (day 85 and 100) and lactation (day 0, 3, 7, 14 and 21) to determine plasma glucose, insulin, triglycerides, leptin, osteocalcin, ghrelin and agouti‐related protein (AgRP). VFI was higher (20% higher than that of controls) in sows that received dietary OFI during lactation (p < .05). The concentration of plasma glucose was lower in sows that consumed OFI than sows fed the conventional diet (p < .05). Plasma insulin concentrations were higher in sows that consumed OFI, than in sows that did not (p < .05). Triglyceride concentrations during gestation, farrowing and lactation were also lower in sows that consumed OFI (p < .05). OFI intake caused lower plasma concentrations of leptin during lactation (p < .05). Osteocalcin was higher in sows that consumed OFI versus controls (p < .05): 8.6% and 13.4% during gestation and lactation respectively. From day 3 of lactation, sows that consumed OFI had higher concentrations of ghrelin (p < .05). The concentration of plasma AgRP was higher (p < .05) in sows that consumed OFI versus controls: 3.1% and 14.2% in gestation and lactation respectively. We concluded that OFI intake by primiparous sows during late gestation and lactation favourably modulated the factors that caused insulin resistance and increased sow performance.



本研究的目的是评估日粮中仙人掌(OFI)对初产母猪妊娠后期和哺乳期代谢特征的影响,及其对哺乳期自愿采食量(VFI)的影响。从妊娠第85天到断奶,32头母猪被分为四种饲养方案( n = 8头母猪/方案):基础日粮(BD),不添加OFI;测试方案一,妊娠期BD,哺乳期BD+OFI;测试方案 II,妊娠期和哺乳期 BD + OFI,测试方案 III,妊娠期 BD + OFI,哺乳期 BD。在妊娠期(第 85 天和第 100 天)和哺乳期(第 0、3、7、14 和 21 天)采集血样,以确定血浆葡萄糖、胰岛素、甘油三酯、瘦素、骨钙素、生长素释放肽和刺鼠相关蛋白 (AgRP)。在哺乳期接受日粮 OFI 的母猪中,VFI 较高(比对照高 20%)( p < .05)。食用 OFI 的母猪的血浆葡萄糖浓度低于饲喂传统日粮的母猪 ( p < .05)。食用 OFI 的母猪血浆胰岛素浓度高于未食用 OFI 的母猪 ( p < .05)。食用 OFI 的母猪在妊娠、分娩和哺乳期间的甘油三酯浓度也较低 ( p < .05)。 OFI 摄入导致哺乳期间瘦素血浆浓度降低 ( p < .05)。与对照母猪相比,食用 OFI 的母猪的骨钙素含量更高 ( p < .05):妊娠期和哺乳期分别为 8.6% 和 13.4%。从哺乳期第 3 天开始,食用 OFI 的母猪的生长素释放肽浓度较高 ( p < .05)。血浆AgRP浓度较高( p <.05) 与对照组相比,食用 OFI 的母猪:妊娠期和哺乳期分别为 3.1% 和 14.2%。我们得出的结论是,初产母猪在妊娠后期和哺乳期摄入 OFI 有利于调节导致胰岛素抵抗和提高母猪生产性能的因素。