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House of the dead-exceptional burials of the Avar period (seventh century AD) in Podersdorf am See (Burgenland/A)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01102-5
Bendeguz Tobias , Thomas Koch Waldner , Christina Strobl , Harald Niederstätter , Christina Musalek , Konstantina Saliari , Ulrike Töchterle , Walther Parson

A unique archaeological finding of five individuals buried in an early medieval pit house was discovered in Podersdorf am See (Austria). Three of those individuals were buried in narrow grave pits that had been deepened into the house floor; two of them were lying on the pit floor in a crouched position. Pit houses with six-post construction are known since Roman times and were particularly widespread during the Migration Period. On the basis of radiocarbon analyses of charcoal from the hearth, the use phase of the pit house of Podersdorf am See can be dated to the sixth century AD. The burials took place around the same time in the second half of the seventh century AD, when the house lost its original function. Around that time, regular burials took place in the cemetery in the immediate vicinity of the house. The anthropological examination of the five skeletons showed no significant differences in comparison to the ones that were buried in the cemetery. By means of aDNA analyses, it could be established that at least two of the individuals were closely related to each other.


滨湖畔波德斯多夫的阿瓦尔时期(公元七世纪)死者丧葬场(Burgenland / A)

在奥地利波德斯多夫发现了一个独特的考古发现,发现了一个埋葬在中世纪早期的坑屋中的五个人。其中三个人被埋在狭窄的墓坑中,该坑已加深到房屋地板中。他们中的两个人蹲在坑底上。六柱式坑房自罗马时代就已广为人知,在移民时期尤为普遍。根据炉膛中木炭的放射性碳分析,Podersdorf am See酒窖的使用阶段可以追溯到公元六世纪。葬礼大约在公元七世纪下半叶的同一时间进行,当时房屋已失去其原有功能。大约在那个时候,在房子附近的墓地里定期埋葬。与埋葬在墓地的骨骼相比,对这五个骨骼的人类学检查没有显着差异。通过aDNA分析,可以确定至少两个个体彼此密切相关。