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How to minimize cycle times of robot manufacturing systems
Optimization and Engineering ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11081-020-09531-w
Tobias Hofmann , David Wenzel

The employment of industrial robot systems especially in the automotive industry noticeably changed the view of production plants and led to a tremendous increase in productivity. Nonetheless, rising technological complexity, the parallelization of production processes, as well as the crucial need for respecting specific safety issues pose new challenges for man and machine. Our goal is to develop algorithms, guidelines, and tools that make the commissioning of industrial robot systems more reliable by verifying the programs of robots and logical controllers. This in particular includes optimizing the schedule of the robot systems in order to ensure desired period times as well as conflict-free timetables already in the planning stage. The applicability of the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem proposed by Serafini and Ukovich (SIAM J Discrete Math 2(4):550–581, 1989) is investigated to tackle this cycle time minimization task, and we establish a variant of the classical formulation in order to cover the special characteristics of our scenario. We want to demonstrate how this key element forms a part of a range of developed software tools that support engineers and programmers throughout the commissioning of real-world robot production systems.



工业机器人系统的使用,特别是在汽车工业中的使用,明显改变了生产工厂的视野,并导致生产率的极大提高。然而,不断增加的技术复杂性,生产流程的并行化以及尊重特定安全问题的迫切需求给人与机器带来了新的挑战。我们的目标是开发算法,准则和工具,通过验证机器人和逻辑控制器的程序来使工业机器人系统的调试更加可靠。这尤其包括优化机器人系统的时间表,以确保所需的时间段以及已经在计划阶段的无冲突时间表。研究了Serafini和Ukovich(SIAM J Discrete Math 2(4):550-581,1989)提出的周期性事件调度问题的适用性,以解决此周期最小化任务,并且按顺序建立了经典公式的变体涵盖我们方案的特殊特征。我们想证明这一关键要素如何构成一系列已开发软件工具的一部分,这些软件工具可在整个实际机器人生产系统的调试过程中为工程师和程序员提供支持。
