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Symmetry Breaking in Large Columnar Frozen Wave Patterns in Weightlessness
Microgravity Science and Technology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s12217-020-09812-0
M. Troitiño , P. Salgado Sánchez , J. Porter , D. Gligor

The large columnar patterns resulting from the frozen wave instability in zero gravity conditions are investigated numerically for finite containers of immiscible liquids. The mode selection process is affected by forcing amplitude, frequency, container size and the vibroequilibria effect. The final columnar states are often approximately left-right symmetric and a quantitative measure of their asymmetry is used to distinguish three different growth regimes depending on the applied vibration. Solutions at low frequencies are affected by the antiphase forcing at the lateral walls and by early collisions of the longwave modes with the upper and lower boundaries. At moderate frequencies, the development of the pattern is characterized by centrally located defects and nearly symmetric modes. At higher frequencies, there are off-center defects and asymmetric modes. The critical value of the symmetry-breaking transition separating these final two types of behavior is determined as a function of the container aspect ratio.



对于不混溶液体的有限容器,在数值上研究了零重力条件下由冻结波不稳定性引起的大柱状图案。强制振幅,频率,容器大小和振动平衡效应会影响模式选择过程。最终的柱状状态通常是左右对称的,并且根据所施加的振动,使用其不对称性的定量度量来区分三种不同的生长方式。低频下的解受侧壁上的反相位强迫以及长波模式与上下边界的早期碰撞的影响。在中等频率下,图案的显影的特征是位于中心的缺陷和几乎对称的模式。在较高的频率下 存在偏心缺陷和不对称模式。根据容器的长宽比确定将最后两种行为分开的对称破坏过渡的临界值。
