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Simulation of the CsI crystal calorimeter of the detector of charm-tau factory in Novosibirsk
Journal of Instrumentation ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/07/c07026
V.L. Ivanov 1, 2 , I.S. Bulyzhenkov 1, 2 , D.A. Epifanov 1 , A.S. Kuzmin 1 , D.A. Maksimov 1, 2 , S.B. Oreshkin 1 , A.A. Osipov 1 , E.S. Prokhorova 1, 2 , B.A. Shwartz 1, 2 , Yu.V. Usov 1 , V.S. Vorobiev 1, 2 , Yu.V. Yudin 1

The paper presents a current status of the simulation of the pure CsI crystal calorimeter of the detector of charm-tau factory project in Novosibirsk. The calorimeter employs the scheme with the crystals focusing at the beams interaction point to obtain the optimal energy and coordinate resolutions. We present a detailed description of the calorimeter design, optimized using the specially developed parametrized crystal geometry generator. The report also presents the results for the coordinate and energy correction functions calculation. After application of these corrections the estimation of the photon energy and coordinate resolutions for the ideal conditions of negligibly small stochastic, electronic and pileup noises was performed. The π 0 reconstruction efficiency and mass resolution depending on it's momentum were also determined.


