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Landscape sustainability science in the drylands: mobility, rangelands and livelihoods
Landscape Ecology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01068-8
Chuan Liao , Arun Agrawal , Patrick E. Clark , Simon A. Levin , Daniel I. Rubenstein

The global drylands cover 41% of the terrestrial surface and support millions of pastoralists and host diverse flora and fauna. Ongoing socioeconomic and environmental transformations in drylands make it imperative to understand how to achieve the twin goals of food security and ecosystem health. The review focuses on examining the patterns of rangeland vegetation dynamics and livelihood transformations associated with changes in pastoralist mobility. We conducted a comprehensive review of literature on dryland sustainability based on the coupled systems framework and through the lens of mobility, which reflects not only human and livestock movements but also the unique lifestyles and cultural identities of people in drylands. We find that mobility, which is critical for pastoralists to survive and thrive in the drylands, is generally in decline and has significant implications on dryland sustainability. Reduced mobility exacerbates bush encroachment and land degradation, as sedentarized pastoralists use the rangelands more recursively. Associated with declining mobility is livelihood intensification and diversification, but such livelihood transitions may carry both socioeconomic and environmental risks. We argue that to advance landscape sustainability science and reconcile concerns over environmental conservation and human well-being across the global drylands, we must better understand the underlying mechanisms of coupled systems transitions through the lens of mobility, and integrate the perspectives of multiple stakeholders with fundamentally different interests and priorities.



全球旱地覆盖了 41% 的陆地表面,养育着数百万牧民,并拥有多样化的动植物群。旱地正在进行的社会经济和环境变革使得了解如何实现粮食安全和生态系统健康的双重目标势在必行。审查的重点是检查与牧民流动性变化相关的牧场植被动态和生计转变的模式。我们基于耦合系统框架并通过流动性的视角对有关旱地可持续性的文献进行了全面审查,这不仅反映了人类和牲畜的流动,还反映了旱地人们独特的生活方式和文化特征。我们发现,对于牧民在旱地生存和繁荣至关重要的流动性,总体呈下降趋势,并对旱地可持续性产生重大影响。流动性减少加剧了灌木丛侵占和土地退化,因为定居的牧民更频繁地使用牧场。与流动性下降相关的是生计集约化和多样化,但这种生计转变可能会带来社会经济和环境风险。我们认为,为了推进景观可持续性科学并协调全球干旱地区对环境保护和人类福祉的关注,我们必须通过流动性的视角更好地理解耦合系统转变的潜在机制,并将多个利益相关者的观点与不同的兴趣和优先事项。流动性减少加剧了灌木丛侵占和土地退化,因为定居的牧民更频繁地使用牧场。与流动性下降相关的是生计集约化和多样化,但这种生计转变可能会带来社会经济和环境风险。我们认为,为了推进景观可持续性科学并协调全球干旱地区对环境保护和人类福祉的关注,我们必须通过流动性的视角更好地理解耦合系统转变的潜在机制,并将多个利益相关者的观点与不同的兴趣和优先事项。流动性减少加剧了灌木丛侵占和土地退化,因为定居的牧民更频繁地使用牧场。与流动性下降相关的是生计集约化和多样化,但这种生计转变可能会带来社会经济和环境风险。我们认为,为了推进景观可持续性科学并协调全球干旱地区对环境保护和人类福祉的关注,我们必须通过流动性的视角更好地理解耦合系统转变的潜在机制,并将多个利益相关者的观点与不同的兴趣和优先事项。与流动性下降相关的是生计集约化和多样化,但这种生计转变可能会带来社会经济和环境风险。我们认为,为了推进景观可持续性科学并协调全球干旱地区对环境保护和人类福祉的关注,我们必须通过流动性的视角更好地理解耦合系统转变的潜在机制,并将多个利益相关者的观点与不同的兴趣和优先事项。与流动性下降相关的是生计集约化和多样化,但这种生计转变可能会带来社会经济和环境风险。我们认为,为了推进景观可持续性科学并协调全球干旱地区对环境保护和人类福祉的关注,我们必须通过流动性的视角更好地理解耦合系统转变的潜在机制,并将多个利益相关者的观点与不同的兴趣和优先事项。