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Modelling of single UV nanosecond pulsed laser surface modifications of silicon
Laser Physics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1088/1555-6611/ab9b2c
C Acosta-Zepeda 1 , P Saavedra 2 , J Bonse 3 , E Haro-Poniatowski 1

Irradiation with a single spatially Gaussian-shaped nanosecond laser pulse in the melting regime can result in a characteristic annular change in the surface morphology of crystalline silicon. This has been verified experimentally in a variety of situations, where dimple-shaped surface topographies are produced. In a recent work we have investigated the induced changes in the surface topography upon exposure to wavelengths in the visible and near infrared spectral region. Irradiation in the UV requires a more detailed analysis due to the enhanced absorption of the material. In the present analysis, we determine under which conditions our previous model can be used and the corresponding results are presented.


