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In vivo mutagenicity evaluation of the soil fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene
Mutagenesis ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1093/mutage/geaa015
Melissa Badding 1 , B Bhaskar Gollapudi 1 , Sean Gehen 2 , Zhongyu June Yan 2

1,3-Dichloropropene (1,3-D; CAS No. 542-75-6) is a soil fumigant used for the control of nematodes in agriculture. There is an extensive database on the genotoxicity of 1,3-D and many of the published studies are confounded by the presence of mutagenic stabilisers in the test substance. Mixed results were obtained in the in vitro assays, often due to the purity of the 1,3-D sample tested. In order to get further clarity, the mutagenic potential of 1,3-D was investigated in vivo in the transgenic Big Blue rodent models. Inhalation exposure of 150 ppm 1,3-D (×2.5 tumourigenic dose) to transgenic male B6C3F1 mice did not induce lacI mutations in either the lung (tumour target tissue) or liver. Similarly, dietary administration of 1,3-D up to 50 mg/kg/day to transgenic male Fischer 344 rats did not increase the cII mutant frequency in either the liver (tumour target) or kidney. These results, along with other available in vivo data, including the absence of DNA adducts and clastogenic/aneugenic potential, support the conclusion that 1,3-D is efficiently detoxified in vivo and, as such, does not pose a mutagenic hazard or risk.



1,3-二氯丙烯(1,3-D;CAS No. 542-75-6)是一种土壤熏蒸剂,用于控制农业线虫。有一个关于 1,3-D 基因毒性的广泛数据库,许多已发表的研究因受试物质中存在致突变稳定剂而混淆。在体外测定中获得了混合结果,这通常是由于测试的 1,3-D 样品的纯度。为了进一步澄清,在转基因 Big Blue 啮齿动物模型中在体内研究了 1,3-D 的诱变潜力。向转基因雄性 B6C3F1 小鼠吸入 150 ppm 1,3-D(×2.5 致瘤剂量)不会诱导lacI肺(肿瘤靶组织)或肝脏中的突变。类似地,向转基因雄性 Fischer 344 大鼠饮食施用高达 50 mg/kg/天的 1,3-D 不会增加肝脏(肿瘤靶点)或肾脏中的cII突变频率。这些结果,连同其他可用的体内数据,包括不存在 DNA 加合物和致畸胎/无胚胎潜能,支持 1,3-D在体内有效解毒的结论,因此,不会造成诱变危害或风险.