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Exploration of carrier-based time-varying networks: The power of waiting
Theoretical Computer Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.07.003
David Ilcinkas , Ahmed M. Wade

We study the problem of exploration by a mobile entity (agent) of a class of highly dynamic networks, namely the carrier graphs (the C-graphs, modeling public transportation systems, among others). These are defined by a set of carriers following infinitely their prescribed route along the stations of the network. Flocchini, Mans, and Santoro [9] studied this problem in the case when the agent must always travel on the carriers and thus cannot wait on a station. They described the necessary and sufficient conditions for the problem to be solvable and proved that the optimal worst-case number of time units (and thus of moves) to explore a n-node C-graph of k carriers and maximal period p is in Θ(kp2) in the general case.

In this paper, we study the impact of the ability to wait at the stations. We exhibit the necessary and sufficient conditions for the problem to be solvable in this context, and we prove that waiting at the stations allows the agent to reduce the optimal worst-case number of moves by a multiplicative factor of at least Θ(p), while the worst-case time complexity is reduced to Θ(np). (In any connected carrier graph, we have nkp.) We also show some complementary optimal results in specific cases (same period for all carriers, highly connected C-graphs). Finally this new ability allows the agent to completely map the C-graph, in addition to just exploring it.



我们研究了由移动实体(代理)探索的一类高度动态网络的问题,即载波图(C图,公共交通系统建模等)。这些由一组沿着网络站无限地沿其规定路线行驶的运营商定义。Flocchini,Mans和Santoro [9]研究了这个问题,即代理商必须始终在运输机上行驶,因此不能在车站上等待。他们描述的必要和充分条件的问题是可以解决的,并证明了的时间单位的最佳最坏情况数目(以及因此移动)探索Ñ的-node C-图表ķ载体和最大周期p是在Θķp2 在一般情况下。

在本文中,我们研究了车站等待能力的影响。我们展示了在这种情况下可解决问题的必要和充分条件,并且我们证明了在车站等待可以使代理商将最优最坏情况下的举动减少至少乘数系数。Θp,而最坏情况下的时间复杂度降低为 Θñp。(在任何连接的载波图中,ñķp。)我们还显示了在特定情况下(所有载波的周期相同,高度连通的C图)的一些最佳补充结果。最终,除了探索它之外,此新功能还允许代理完全映射C图。
