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A high resolution 40Ar/39Ar lava chronology and edifice construction history for Tongariro volcano, New Zealand
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106993
Leo R. Pure , Graham S. Leonard , Dougal B. Townsend , Colin J.N. Wilson , Andrew T. Calvert , Rosie P. Cole , Chris E. Conway , John A. Gamble , T. ‘Bubs’ Smith

Detailed mapping and geochronological investigations of edifice-forming materials reconstruct the growth history of Tongariro volcano, New Zealand, and subdivide the edifice into thirty six distinct units which are organised into twelve formations and constituent members. Twenty nine new 40Ar/39Ar age determinations, along with published K/Ar ages combined with volume estimates, petrographic observations and rock chemistry provide an integrated history of the volcano's growth through edifice-forming lavas and pyroclastic deposits. The oldest lava (512 ± 59 ka, 2 s.d.) is a small inlier of basaltic-andesite on Tongariro's NW sector that may reflect a nearly buried independent volcano. The next oldest material that can be confidently attributed to a Tongariro source is 304 ± 11 ka andesite, incorporated as boulders in late Pleistocene ejecta from the Tama Lakes area. In-situ lavas at Tongariro date from 230 ka to present, including numerous flows erupted during glacial periods and building the edifice unevenly due to emplacement against valley-filling ice bodies. Tongariro has a total edifice volume of ~90 km3, 19 km3 of which is represented by exposed map units, with glacial deposits amounting to <1 km3. The ring plain volume immediately adjacent to the volcano contains ~60 km3 of material.

Sequential eruptive records, from 230 ka to present, reveal an irregular cyclicity in MgO concentrations over ~10–70 kyr intervals. During these cycles, rapid (≤10 kyr) increases in MgO concentrations to ≥5–9 wt% are inferred to reflect episodes of enhanced mafic magma replenishment, with maxima at ~230, ~160, ~117, ~88, ~56, ~35, ~17.5 ka and during the Holocene, which are each followed by gradual declines to ~2–5 wt%. Field evidence, including extensive moraines and U-shaped valleys, and lava textures, implies repeated occupation of valleys on Tongariro by major glaciers and possibly ice caps. During periods of major ice coverage, which generally correlate with global cold climate/glacial Marine Isotope Stages, edifice-building rates on Tongariro were only 17–26% of those during warmer climatic periods. Because the changes in edifice-building rates do not coincide with changes in the magmatic system, these contrasts are inferred to reflect a preservation bias whereby materials erupted onto ice were contemporaneously (or subsequently, as ice masses melted) conveyed to the ring plain as debris rather than building the edifice. Although the Tongariro edifice is smaller than that of neighbouring Ruapehu (~150 km3), the exposed edifice materials on Tongariro record a longer and more complex growth history. The wider geographic distribution of <50 ka vent locations at Tongariro reflects greater rifting rates than at Ruapehu.


新西兰汤加里罗火山的高分辨率40 Ar / 39 Ar熔岩年代和建筑物建造历史

对建筑物形成材料的详细制图和年代学研究重建了新西兰汤加里罗火山的生长历史,并将建筑物细分为三十六个不同的单元,这些单元被组织成十二个地层和组成成员。二十九个新的40 Ar / 39Ar年龄的确定以及已公布的K / Ar年龄与体积估计值,岩相观测和岩石化学的结合,通过形成火山的熔岩和火山碎屑沉积物,提供了火山生长的完整历史记录。最古老的熔岩(512±59 ka,2 sd)是汤加里罗(Tongariro)西北段的一个玄武质安山岩小岛,可能反映了几乎被掩埋的独立火山。可以肯定地归因于汤加里罗水源的下一个最古老的材料是304±11 ka的安山岩,它是多摩湖地区晚更新世喷出物​​中的巨石。汤加里罗的现场熔岩可以追溯到230 ka到现在,包括冰川时期喷发的大量水流以及由于与山谷填充的冰体相对应的位置而使建筑物不均匀地建造。汤加里罗的总建筑量约为90公里3,其中19 km 3由裸露的地图单元表示,冰川沉积量小于1 km 3。紧邻火山的环形平原体积约有60 km 3的物质。

从230 ka到现在的连续喷发记录显示,在大约10–70 kyr的间隔内,MgO浓度呈不规则的周期性。在这些循环中,可以推断出MgO浓度迅速增加(≤10kyr)至≥5–9 wt%,以反映铁镁质岩浆补充作用增强的事件,最大值在〜230,〜160,〜117,〜88,〜56, 〜35,〜17.5 ka和全新世期间,每一个都逐渐下降至〜2–5 wt%。现场证据包括广泛的冰山和U形山谷,以及熔岩质地,意味着汤加里罗河上的山谷被主要的冰川和可能的冰帽反复占领。在通常与全球寒冷气候/冰川海洋同位素阶段相关的主要冰覆盖时期,汤加里罗的建筑物建造率仅为较温暖气候时期的建筑物建造率的17–26%。由于建筑物建造速度的变化与岩浆系统的变化并不吻合,因此可以推断出这些对比以反映保存的偏见,从而使喷发在冰上的物质同时(或随后随着冰团融化)作为碎片输送到环平原。而不是建造大厦。虽然汤加里罗(Tongariro)大厦比附近的Ruapehu(〜150 km3),汤加里罗(Tongariro)上裸露的建筑物材料记录了更长,更复杂的生长历史。汤加里罗(Tongariro)小于50 ka通风孔的地理分布比鲁阿佩胡(Ruapehu)的裂谷率更高。
