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Vertical concentration profile of nonuniform sediment
International Journal of Sediment Research ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsrc.2020.06.008
Zhilin Sun , Haolei Zheng , Dan Xu , Chunhong Hu , Chaofan Zhang

A new formula for the concentration profile of nonuniform sediment is derived using the diffusion differential equation with equilibrium bed concentration. The interaction coefficient for nonuniform sediment particles as a function of both relative diameter and geometric standard deviation of nonuniform sediment is taken into account in the settling velocity. The diffusion coefficient is obtained from the logarithmic velocity profile. This new formula possesses several advantages as follows: (1) avoids theoretical defect of the Rouse formula, which states that the sediment concentration is infinite at the bottom and zero at the water surface. (2) suitable for an arbitrary fraction of nonuniform sediment, and (3) easy to apply with a simple form. The formula yields less difference among concentration profiles for various particles than that for uniform sediment and reveals the law for fractional concentration distribution of nonuniform sediment. The calculated concentration agrees well with the measured data from the Yangtze River.



