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Diet composition and feeding habits of the pelagic thresher shark Alopias pelagicus in Eastern Central Pacific Ocean, Ecuadorian waters
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420000569
Marcos D. Calle-Morán , Felipe Galván-Magaña

The diet and feeding habits of the pelagic thresher shark Alopias pelagicus were analysed based on 104 stomachs (N = 84 females, 20 males) collected off Santa Rosa de Salinas, in the Ecuadorian Pacific. The sharks were caught between February 2008 and January 2009 in artisanal fisheries. The trophic spectrum of A. pelagicus included 19 prey items (10 cephalopods and 9 teleost fishes), the main four prey were the red flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii, jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas, the purpleback flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and the South Pacific hake Merluccius gayi. The trophic niche was narrow (Bi = 0.2), thus the pelagic thresher could be considered a specialist predator. The analysis of dietary overlap showed high similarity between the diets of females and males (Cλ = 0.99), immature and mature females (Cλ = 0.81), immature and mature males (Cλ = 0.72), sizes of 141–230 cm TL and 231–321 cm TL (Cλ = 0.97), as well as sharks in rainy season and dry season (Cλ = 0.77). Using canonical of correspondence analysis (CCA), we found similarities in the diet for all categories recorded (sex: canonical r = 0.38, P = 0.97; sexual maturity stage: canonical r = 0.54, P = 0.31; sizes: canonical r = 0.55, P = 0.26; seasons of the year: canonical r = 0.61, P = 0.75). The trophic level estimated for A. pelagicus was 5.0, which is typical of top predators (quaternary consumers or tertiary carnivores).


中东太平洋、厄瓜多尔海域中上层长尾鲨Alopias pelagicus的饮食组成和摄食习性

远洋长尾鲨的饮食和摄食习性浮游藻根据厄瓜多尔太平洋圣罗莎德萨利纳斯收集的 104 个胃(N = 84 名女性,20 名男性)进行了分析。这些鲨鱼是在 2008 年 2 月至 2009 年 1 月期间在手工渔业中捕获的。的营养谱A. pelagicus包括 19 种猎物(10 种头足类和 9 种硬骨鱼),主要的四种猎物是红鱿鱼鲶鱼, 巨型鱿鱼巨蟹, 紫背鱿鱼瓦拉尼鲟和南太平洋鳕鱼梅卢修斯·盖伊。营养生态位很窄(一世= 0.2),因此远洋脱粒机可以被认为是专业捕食者。饮食重叠分析表明,女性和男性的饮食具有高度相似性(Cλ= 0.99),未成熟和成熟的女性 (Cλ= 0.81),未成熟和成熟的雄性 (Cλ= 0.72),尺寸为 141–230 cm TL 和 231–321 cm TL (Cλ= 0.97),以及雨季和旱季的鲨鱼 (Cλ= 0.77)。使用典型的对应分析(CCA),我们发现记录的所有类别的饮食有相似之处(性别:规范 r= 0.38,= 0.97; 性成熟阶段:规范 r= 0.54,= 0.31; 尺寸:规范 r= 0.55,= 0.26; 一年四季:规范 r= 0.61,= 0.75)。估计的营养级A. pelagicus为 5.0,这是典型的顶级捕食者(第四纪消费者或第三纪食肉动物)。