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Rapid change of the Arctic climate system and its global influences - Overview of GRENE Arctic climate change research project (2011–2016)
Polar Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polar.2020.100548
Takashi Yamanouchi , Kumiko Takata

Under global warming due to anthropogenic increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, the surface air temperature in the Arctic is increasing with a speed that is more than double the global average, called “Arctic amplification (AA).” To grasp these changes in the Arctic, to understand the mechanism, to know the global influences, and to contribute to future climate projection, we conducted the Green Network of Excellence Program (GRENE) Arctic Climate Change Research Project “Rapid Change of the Arctic Climate System and its Global Influences” for five years between 2011 and 2016 (hereafter “GRENE Arctic”). To tackle four strategic targets presented, members from seven research themes, modeling, terrestrial ecosystem, atmosphere, cryosphere, greenhouse gases, marine ecosystem, and sea ice groups, worked together and reached to the outcomes. Here, the significant outcomes of the GRENE Arctic, presented in more than 100 research articles were compiled, reviewed, and synthesized. Among them, the notable key findings were highlighted in the final chapter. The GRENE Arctic was epoch-making as the first all-Japan comprehensive project incorporating multidisciplinary studies and collaboration between observation and modeling. The original synthetic report has been open at the GRENE home page (http://www.nipr.ac.jp/grene/).



在人为增加的二氧化碳浓度导致的全球变暖情况下,北极的地表空气温度以超过全球平均水平两倍的速度增加,称为“北极放大(AA)”。为了掌握北极地区的这些变化,了解机理,了解全球影响并为未来的气候预测做出贡献,我们开展了绿色卓越网络计划(GRENE)北极气候变化研究项目“北极气候的快速变化”系统及其全球影响力”(在2011年至2016年之间的五年内)(以下简称“绿色北极”)。为了解决提出的四个战略目标,来自七个研究主题的成员包括建模,陆地生态系统,大气,冰冻圈,温室气体,海洋生态系统和海冰小组,共同努力并取得成果。在这里,对GRENE Arctic的重大成果进行了汇总,审查和综合,这些成果在100多篇研究文章中得到了阐述。其中,最后一章重点介绍了重要的发现。GRENE Arctic是划时代的,它是第一个全日本的综合项目,融合了多学科研究以及观测与建模之间的协作。原始综合报告已在GRENE主页(http://www.nipr.ac.jp/grene/)上打开。GRENE Arctic是划时代的,它是第一个全日本的综合项目,融合了多学科研究以及观测与建模之间的协作。原始综合报告已在GRENE主页(http://www.nipr.ac.jp/grene/)上打开。GRENE Arctic是划时代的,它是第一个全日本的综合项目,融合了多学科研究以及观测与建模之间的协作。原始综合报告已在GRENE主页(http://www.nipr.ac.jp/grene/)上打开。
