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Investigation of resistant level to tribenuron-methyl, diversity and regional difference of the resistant mutations on acetolactate synthase (ALS) isozymes in Descurainia sophia L. from China
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104653
Yufang Xu 1 , Lina Xu 1 , Xuefeng Li 1 , Mingqi Zheng 1

Descurainia sophia L. is one of the most notorious broadleaf weeds in winter wheat fields of China. In this study, 95 out of 163 (58.3%) D. sophia populations which were collected from provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Jiangsu, have evolved resistance to tribenuron-methyl. The als1 and als2 were cloned in all test D. sophia populations, while als3 and als4 were identified only in some of the populations. Resistant mutations of Pro-197-Ser/Thr/Leu/His/Ala/Arg, Asp-376-Glu and Trp-574-Leu were identified in tribenuron-methyl-resistant (TR) D. sophia plants, while the Pro-197-Arg was first identified in D. sophia in this study. These resistant mutations displayed no preference between ALS1 and ALS2. However, Pro-197-Ser/Thr and Trp-574-Leu were identified in all ALS isozymes, while the other mutations were not. In addition, some resistant mutations displayed regional differences, the frequency of Pro-197-Ser in Shandong and Trp-574-Leu in Shanxi province is much higher than that in other provinces.



Descurania sophia L.是我国冬麦田最臭名昭著的阔叶杂草之一。本研究中,从河北、山东、河南、山西、陕西和江苏等省采集的163个D.sophia种群中,有95个(58.3%)已进化出对苯磺隆的抗性。 als1 和 als2 在所有测试的 D. sophia 种群中都被克隆,而 als3 和 als4 仅在某些种群中被鉴定。在抗苯磺隆 (TR) 索菲亚植物中鉴定出 Pro-197-Ser/Thr/Leu/His/Ala/Arg、Asp-376-Glu 和 Trp-574-Leu 的抗性突变,而 Pro-本研究首次在 D. sophia 中鉴定出 197-Arg。这些耐药突变在 ALS1 和 ALS2 之间没有表现出偏好。然而,在所有 ALS 同工酶中都鉴定出了 Pro-197-Ser/Thr 和 Trp-574-Leu,而其他突变则没有。此外,部分耐药突变存在地区差异,山东省Pro-197-Ser、山西省Trp-574-Leu的频率均远高于其他省份。