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Size reduction of conodonts indicates high ecological stress during the late Frasnian under greenhouse climate conditions in South China
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109909
Zhang Xinsong , Li Siyu , Song Yinfan , Gong Yiming

Abstract The Late Frasnian mass extinction (LFME) during extreme greenhouse conditions had a serious impact on biotic evolution. Herein, based on detailed size measurements of 1783 elements of the conodont genera Polygnathus and Palmatolepis at the Lali and Duan sections in South China, conodont animals underwent significant size reduction at the genus level during the late Frasnian. The “Bergmann's rule” controlled the evolution of Frasnian conodont animals, and their size reduction during the late Frasnian may have resulted from long-term global warming and indicated high ecological stress before the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (FFB). This phenomenon can explain why the decline of benthic faunas, such as corals, brachiopods or metazoan reefs, predated the extinction of pelagic faunas, such as conodonts in the Upper Kellwasser (UKW) event and at the FFB.



摘要 极端温室条件下的晚弗拉斯尼亚大灭绝(LFME)对生物进化产生了严重影响。在此,基于对华南拉里和段断面的牙形动物 Polygnathus 和 Palmatolepis 的 1783 个元素的详细尺寸测量,在晚弗拉斯期,牙形动物在属水平上经历了显着的尺寸减小。“伯格曼法则”控制了弗拉斯期牙形石动物的进化,弗拉斯期晚期它们的体型缩小可能是长期全球变暖的结果,表明弗拉斯-法门界线(FFB)之前的生态压力很大。这种现象可以解释为什么海底动物群,如珊瑚、腕足类动物或后生动物礁的衰退,早于远洋动物群的灭绝,