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Molecular characterisation of little cherry virus 1 infecting apricots in the Czech Republic
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-020-02056-z
Dana Šafářová , Veronika Ševčíková , Kateřina Neumanová , Jana Suchá , Tomáš Nečas , Milan Navrátil

Little cherry virus 1 is one of the pathogens associated with little cherry disease of cherries. The host range of the virus is widening and recently it has been detected in apricot trees in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Morocco. To obtain a view about the importance of apricots in the epidemiology of the virus, a survey was conducted in Czech apricot-growing areas. Little cherry virus 1 was detected in seven out of 13 locations, and the infection was noted predominantly in old orchards, but its frequency was low. During the survey, an infected almond tree developing severe leaf mosaic was also detected. Using high-throughput sequencing and Sanger sequencing, five near-complete genome sequences and another 20 partial ORF8 sequences were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis showed a close relationship of most of the apricot isolates to the phylogenetic group G3 with UW2, UW1, and ITMAR isolates. Three apricot isolates, including the almost complete Apr 184R isolate and almond isolate Alm138, showed homology within the phylogenetic group G5. The analysis clearly demonstrates the presence of isolates of this type in Europe. The 4-year-long survey of selected pomological characteristics showed that infection with the virus is generally latent, but the infection could significantly affect the ripening of the fruit of some apricot genotypes. A significant decrease in the fruit yield was noticed for ‘Magyar Kajszi’. The potential routes of the transmission of little cherry virus 1 to apricots are discussed in the context of propagation practice.



小樱桃病毒1是与樱桃小樱桃病相关的病原体之一。该病毒的宿主范围正在扩大,最近在捷克共和国,匈牙利和摩洛哥的杏树中被发现。为了了解杏子在病毒流行病学中的重要性,在捷克杏子种植地区进行了一项调查。在13个位置中的7个位置检测到少量樱桃病毒1,主要在老果园中发现了这种病毒,但其发生率很低。在调查期间,还检测到感染了杏仁的叶子并发展出严重的马赛克。使用高通量测序和Sanger测序,获得了5个接近完全的基因组序列和另外20个部分ORF8序列。系统发育分析表明,大多数杏分离株与具有UW2,UW1和ITMAR分离株的系统发育组G3密切相关。三株杏分离株,包括几乎完整的Apr 184R分离株和杏仁分离株Alm138,在系统发生组G5中表现出同源性。分析清楚地证明了欧洲存在这种类型的分离株。对选定的病毒学特征进行的为期4年的调查显示,病毒的感染通常是潜在的,但感染可能会显着影响某些基因型杏果实的成熟。“ Magyar Kajszi”的果实单产显着下降。在传播实践中讨论了小樱桃病毒1向杏传播的潜在途径。三株杏分离株,包括几乎完整的Apr 184R分离株和杏仁分离株Alm138,在系统发生组G5中表现出同源性。分析清楚地证明了在欧洲存在这种类型的分离株。对选定的病毒学特征进行的为期4年的调查显示,病毒的感染通常是潜伏的,但这种感染可能会显着影响某些基因型杏果实的成熟。“ Magyar Kajszi”的果实单产显着下降。在传播实践中讨论了小樱桃病毒1向杏传播的潜在途径。三株杏分离株,包括几乎完整的Apr 184R分离株和杏仁分离株Alm138,在系统发生组G5中表现出同源性。分析清楚地证明了在欧洲存在这种类型的分离株。对选定的病毒学特征进行的为期4年的调查显示,病毒的感染通常是潜在的,但感染可能会显着影响某些基因型杏果实的成熟。“ Magyar Kajszi”的果实单产显着下降。在传播实践中讨论了小樱桃病毒1向杏传播的潜在途径。分析清楚地证明了在欧洲存在这种类型的分离株。对选定的病毒学特征进行的为期4年的调查显示,病毒的感染通常是潜在的,但感染可能会显着影响某些基因型杏果实的成熟。“ Magyar Kajszi”的果实单产显着下降。在传播实践中讨论了小樱桃病毒1向杏传播的潜在途径。分析清楚地证明了欧洲存在这种类型的分离株。一项为期4年的针对特定病毒学特征的调查表明,病毒的潜伏性通常是潜在的,但这种感染会显着影响某些基因型杏果实的成熟。“ Magyar Kajszi”的果实单产显着下降。在传播实践中讨论了小樱桃病毒1向杏传播的潜在途径。
