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Security Midlife Crisis: Building Security in a New World
IEEE Security & Privacy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1109/msec.2020.2989643
Holger Mack 1 , Tom Schroer 1

Are we (the experts) fooling ourselves that our security approaches are effective or appropriate to protect today?s and future IT environments? Are our old recipes still suitable? After working in IT security for more than 20 years, we started to realize that something had fundamentally changed. We tried to match the growing expectations of customers and consumers (the market), technological development, innovations, and strategies [the cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning] to today?s established security approaches, measures, and tools. Change is nothing new in the IT industry, and we are used to adapting, evolving, and improving security measures to keep up. However, some of the recent and upcoming changes are so fundamental that incremental improvements no longer seem appropriate. We ended up calling this our own security midlife crisis.



我们(专家)是否自欺欺人,认为我们的安全方法对于保护当今和未来的 IT 环境是有效或适当的?我们的旧食谱还适用吗?在 IT 安全领域工作了 20 多年后,我们开始意识到有些事情已经发生了根本性的变化。我们试图将客户和消费者(市场)不断增长的期望、技术发展、创新和战略 [云、物联网 (IoT) 和机器学习] 与当今既定的安全方法、措施和工具。在 IT 行业中,变化并不是什么新鲜事,我们习惯于适应、发展和改进安全措施以跟上步伐。然而,最近和即将发生的一些变化是如此根本,以至于渐进式改进似乎不再合适。