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Partial Altruism is Worse than Complete Selfishness in Nonatomic Congestion Games
arXiv - CS - Computer Science and Game Theory Pub Date : 2020-07-10 , DOI: arxiv-2007.05591
Philip N. Brown

We seek to understand the fundamental mathematics governing infrastructure-scale interactions between humans and machines, particularly when the machines' intended purpose is to influence and optimize the behavior of the humans. To that end, this paper investigates the worst-case congestion that can arise in nonatomic network congestion games when a fraction of the traffic is completely altruistic (e.g., benevolent self-driving cars) and the remainder is completely selfish (e.g., human commuters). We study the worst-case harm of altruism in such scenarios in terms of the perversity index, or the worst-case equilibrium congestion cost resulting from the presence of altruistic traffic, relative to the congestion cost which would result if all traffic were selfish. We derive a tight bound on the perversity index for the class of series-parallel network congestion games with convex latency functions, and show three facts: First, the harm of altruism is maximized when exactly half of the traffic is altruistic, but it gracefully vanishes when the fraction of altruistic traffic approaches either 0 or 1. Second, we show that the harm of altruism is linearly increasing in a natural measure of the "steepness" of network latency functions. Finally, we show that for any nontrivial fraction of altruistic traffic, the harm of altruism exceeds the price of anarchy associated with all-selfish traffic: in a sense, partial altruism is worse than complete selfishness.



我们试图了解管理人与机器之间基础设施规模交互的基础数学,特别是当机器的预期目的是影响和优化人类的行为时。为此,本文研究了在非原子网络拥塞游戏中,当一小部分流量完全是无私的(例如,仁慈的自动驾驶汽车)而其余的完全是自私的(例如,人类通勤者)时,可能出现的最坏情况的拥堵。 . 我们研究了在这种情况下利他主义在这种情况下的最坏情况下的危害,即由于存在利他交通而导致的最坏情况均衡拥堵成本,相对于如果所有交通都是自私的会导致的拥堵成本。我们推导出了具有凸延迟函数的串并行网络拥塞游戏类的反常指数的严格界限,并展示了三个事实:首先,当正好有一半的流量是利他的时,利他的危害最大化,但它优雅地消失了当利他流量的比例接近 0 或 1 时。 其次,我们表明,在网络延迟函数“陡峭度”的自然度量中,利他的危害正在线性增加。最后,我们表明,对于利他交通的任何重要部分,利他主义的危害超过了与全自私交通相关的无政府状态的代价:从某种意义上说,部分利他主义比完全自私更糟糕。当正好有一半的流量是利他的时,利他主义的危害最大化,但当利他流量的比例接近 0 或 1 时,利他主义的危害会优雅地消失。 其次,我们表明,利他主义的危害在“网络延迟函数的陡度”。最后,我们表明,对于利他交通的任何重要部分,利他主义的危害超过了与全自私交通相关的无政府状态的代价:从某种意义上说,部分利他主义比完全自私更糟糕。当正好有一半的流量是利他的时,利他主义的危害最大化,但当利他流量的比例接近 0 或 1 时,利他主义的危害会优雅地消失。 其次,我们表明,利他主义的危害在“网络延迟函数的陡度”。最后,我们表明,对于利他交通的任何重要部分,利他主义的危害超过了与全自私交通相关的无政府状态的代价:从某种意义上说,部分利他主义比完全自私更糟糕。