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Testing and Improving the IntCal20 Calibration Curve with Independent Records
Radiocarbon ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1017/rdc.2020.54
Raimund Muscheler , Florian Adolphi , Timothy J Heaton , Christopher Bronk Ramsey , Anders Svensson , Johannes van der Plicht , Paula J Reimer

Connecting calendar ages to radiocarbon (14C) ages, i.e. constructing a calibration curve, requires14C samples that represent, or are closely connected to, atmospheric14C values and that can also be independently dated. In addition to these data, there is information that can serve as independent tests of the calibration curve. For example, information from ice core radionuclide data cannot be directly incorporated into the calibration curve construction as it delivers less direct information on the14C age–calendar age relationship but it can provide tests of the quality of the calibration curve. Furthermore, ice core ages on14C-dated volcanic eruptions provide key information on the agreement of ice core and radiocarbon time scales. Due to their scarcity such data would have little impact if directly incorporated into the calibration curve. However, these serve as important “anchor points” in time for independently testing the calibration curve and/or ice-core time scales. Here we will show that such information largely supports the new IntCal20 calibration record. Furthermore, we discuss how floating tree-ring sequences on ice-core time scales agree with the new calibration curve. For the period around 40,000 years ago we discuss unresolved differences between ice core10Be and14C records that are possibly related to our limited understanding of carbon cycle influences on the atmospheric14C concentration during the last glacial period. Finally, we review the results on the time scale comparison between the Greenland ice-core time scale (GICC05) and IntCal20 that effectively allow a direct comparison of14C-dated records with the Greenland ice core data.


使用独立记录测试和改进 IntCal20 校准曲线

将日历年龄与放射性碳联系起来(14C) 年龄,即构建校准曲线,需要14C 代表大气或与大气密切相关的样本14C值,也可以独立注明日期。除了这些数据之外,还有一些信息可以作为校准曲线的独立测试。例如,来自冰芯放射性核素数据的信息不能直接纳入校准曲线构建,因为它提供的关于14C 年龄-日历年龄关系,但它可以提供校准曲线质量的测试。此外,冰芯老化14C 年代的火山喷发提供了有关冰芯和放射性碳时间尺度一致性的关键信息。由于它们的稀缺性,这些数据如果直接纳入校准曲线将几乎没有影响。然而,这些作为独立测试校准曲线和/或冰芯时间尺度的重要“锚点”。在这里,我们将展示这些信息在很大程度上支持新的 IntCal20 校准记录。此外,我们讨论了冰芯时间尺度上的浮动年轮序列如何与新的校准曲线一致。对于大约 40,000 年前的这段时期,我们讨论了冰芯之间未解决的差异10是和14C 记录可能与我们对碳循环对大气影响的有限了解有关14末次冰期的 C 浓度。最后,我们回顾了格陵兰冰芯时间尺度(GICC05)和 IntCal20 之间的时间尺度比较结果,有效地允许直接比较14带有格陵兰冰芯数据的 C 日期记录。