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Inter-individual Distance in Different Captive Packs of Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus): Management Applications
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1080/10888705.2020.1790366
Ana Isabel Soriano 1 , Dolors Vinyoles 1 , Carmen Maté 2


There is a tendency for the wolves of a pack to stay together assuming that there is a social bond between the pack members. A rough estimate of the strength of this bond can be obtained by measuring the distances between pack members. The aim of this study was to determine the inter-individual distance by calculating the Euclidian distance to determine the Iberian wolf cohesion in different pack compositions. The study subjects were seven captive Iberian wolves (Canis lupus signatus) housed at the Barcelona Zoo. Multifocal sampling methods were used for data collection, and instantaneous scans were made at 15-min during different sessions. Proximity relationships among these wolves in different pack composition were visualized using two-dimensional scaling analysis. The pair leader without offspring and the breeding pair with their offspring were significantly closer than the rest of the dyads which combinations were equidistant. During the pregnancy period, the breeding pair was significantly further than during the juvenile period. More studies in field and captivity by using Euclidian distance are necessary to improve social husbandry techniques, animal welfare and conservation programs.


伊比利亚狼(Canis lupus signatus)的不同俘虏包之间的个体间距离:管理应用


假定the族成员之间存在社会纽带,则pack族的狼倾向于聚在一起。通过测量包装件之间的距离,可以粗略估算出这种结合的强度。这项研究的目的是通过计算欧几里得距离来确定个体之间的距离,从而确定不同包装成分中的伊比利亚狼内聚力。研究对象是七只圈养的伊比利亚狼(Canis lupus signatus)安置在巴塞罗那动物园。使用多焦点采样方法进行数据收集,并在不同的会话中每15分钟进行一次即时扫描。使用二维缩放分析,可以直观地看到不同包装成分的这些狼之间的邻近关系。没有后代的对首和具有后代的育种对比其他等距的二元组的距离更近。在怀孕期间,繁殖对比幼年时期明显得多。为了改善社会饲养技术,动物福利和保护计划,有必要使用欧几里得距离进行更多的田间和圈养研究。
